CHapter nine

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"I pick brook"

louis shouted,

"truth or dare brook?"

"em..truth"I spoke up

"is it true you have or had a crush on niall?"he asked ,

I blushed and my whole body tensed as everybody was staring at me waiting for the answer

"um yeah I kinda do"I said quietly, niall's face lit up and I heard a few 'ahh's and owwwhhh's, now it was my turn

"sophie truth or dare?"I asked

"em dare"

"ok I dare you to kiss zayn, since he's single and you are both crazy about eachother"

I said smiling,

"oh em"

sophie said, but zayn leaned in and quickly kissed her pink lips

"I'll get you back"

she mouthed at me,

"ok I pick brook, truth or dare"

she said

"well,I picked truth last time so I don't want to take off my clothes so I'll go with dare"

I said quickly,

"ok I dare you to kiss niall for 10 seconds"

she said letting out a little laugh, I couldn't kiss niall , not infront of everyone and I kind of liked liam too so I took off liams big hoodie, leaving niall pissed. The game went on for hours, leaving zayn naked, liam topless , louis in his boxers, harry naked, niall in his boxers, sophie was topless but had a bra on and I just had my bra and knickers on, because I couldn't eat a spoon of ketchup or mayonaise, I couldn't drink from the toilet and run around my street with my bra and knickers on screaming"I love one direction". I wasn't going to get naked infront of five guys so I had to do any dare from now I thought to myself.

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