Chapter two

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The screams were deafening, sophie linked my arm and we ran as fast as we could, the arena was huge there was no way we could make it front row with all these girls running after us.

"oh no"

I heard sophie scream before I knew it she had let go of my arm and was running like crazy to get her phone that she must have dropped, it was about to be crushed any minute now

"SOPHIE" I yelled,

her blonde head turned quickly to face me

"RUN BROOK HURRY, I'll catch up"

I heard her voice shout echoing all around the arena.I clenched my fists and ran for it, there was just a few girls in front of me,one tripped on the stairs and her friends turned back to help her up.I was in the lead now with just two screaming girls in front of me.Before I knew it I was standing in front of a huge black stage.I made it! I done a little victory dance which I hoped nobody saw.Then I heard a little sqeack coming from the door, it was of course sophie running wildly towards me , her blonde hair bouncing everywhere

"you made it brook, Im so proud of you, were in the first row, we could touch there hands ahhh!"

sophie said as she managed to catch her breath

"we can touch there hands when we see them backstage!"I replied,

"OMG" sophie blurted out

"whats wrong?" I asked

"you can touch liams hand brook!,your dream man!" sophie said her big blue eyes getting wider by the minute

"no liam has a girlfriend and I'm more into niall now, and like any of them would take a second look at me"I replied

"oh ye danielle right?so your into Irish men?"sophie said chuckling to herself,

"and your the prettiest girl I know"she added

" yeah and I just love niall how his blue eyes sparckle and his blonde hair just falls perfectly into place"

"okay are you in dream world there brook?haha I'll be back in a minute I'm going to get a drink, want one?"sophie said

"yes please"I said with a smile.

As sophie went to get the drinks, I looked behind me the arena was almost full, how did time pass so quickly only a half hour left until the concert. I turned back into my seat , was it just me or did that curtain move?I questioned myself.Sophie eventually turned up with two cokes in her hand,

"what took you so long?"I asked,

before she had time to answer everyone started to scream, I looked up at the stage and saw five drop dead gorgeous faces, then I heard the familier tune of what makes you beautifu,l looked over at sophie she was standing there mouth wide open in an o shape staring at zayn. I couldnt help but keep my eyes off niall for the whole concert, he was just so sweet and adorable. 2 and a half hours past and one direction waved their goodbyes to the crowd one last time before running offstage, now it was time to meet them face to face!

"OMG"sophie shouted,her hands shaking

"what if they don't like us?"

she shouted even louder causing a few people to turn around

"its okay, I'm sure they will like you"I said

"haha yeah right, all eyes will be on you darling"sophie said turning to me making kissing noises

"no I'm pretty sure that's you"I said

she cut me off

"why is this que so short?there's only like ten people here,and I didn't even have time to do my make-up"she said rubbing her face.

"Well there was only a few backstage passes because the boys done a meet and greet yesterday"I said

Just as sophie was about to reply, the man called "next please" me and sophie froze, we looked behind us there was nobody there, we were the last ones left.My pulse started to get faster by the second,

"save the best for last"

sophie mumbled as she walked past the curtain, I followed her like a lost puppy. Be cool,be cool don't mess this up I thought to myself,my legs started to shake and I felt weak until I heard a familier Irish accent

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