Chapter fourteen

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-Brook POV -

-I gave Liam a hug-

-and from the corner of my eye I saw Niall run off-

"NIALL COME BACK!" I shouted

"Brook give him some time." Liam said grabbing my arm

"No, I'm going to go tell him what happened" I said jerking my arm and I ran off to look for Niall

"Hey brook" Harry said! he was admiring the view

"Hey have you seen Niall?" I asked

"Yeah he ran into the boy restroom down there" Harry said

"THANKS Harry!" I said running towards the guys restroom

"Wait are you....nevermind" Harry shouted

"Niall open the door" I said banging on the door

"Go away leave me alone" Niall said

"Niall please open the door let me explain" I said

"Fine" he said as he unlocked the door

-I went inside the Guys restroom-

"Damn it is so dirty in here" I said shutting and locking the door behind me

"Ikr!" Niall said with a sad look in his beautiful blue eyes!

"Niall listen. Liam and I are just friends I promise. I hugged him us he is going through a hard time" I said

"What hard time?" Niall asked

"Well Danielle broke up with him but don't tell him I told you he doesn't want anyone to know" I said

"Okay I won't tell him" Niall said

"Niall can I ask you something?" I asked

"Yeah sure what is it? "Niall asked

"Why do you always get jealous and upset every time I do something with Liam?" I asked

"To be honest Its because I have feelings for you I'm crazy for you" Niall said

"Really you are?" I asked shocked

"Yes and ill Prove it too!" Niall said

"Huh" I said but got cut off my Niall

-Niall planted a kiss on my lips-

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