Chapter five

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Just like that mine and nialls convesation was over,and he was coming to my house, omg one direction are coming to my house! I text niall my address and asked sophie what I should wear

"don't worry brook we have loads of time",

my phone viberated ,I unlocked it and read the message niall just sent it read

that's just down the road:) just waiting for zayn to do his hair,will be there in an hour xx .

I froze as I read the text

"one hour how am I supposed to be ready in one hour??"I screamed at sophie

"I'll help you, first we will get your clothes and do your hair and make-up, while your getting dressed, I'll clean downstairs, they will probably be here by the time I'm finnished cleaning, so I will leave you here with them while I run over and get ready in my house"sophie said as she looked through my wardrobe

"aha I found the perfect outfit"

she shouted walking out holding up deinm skinny jeans, navy converse,a red jumper and a white crop-top with a red heart on it

"NO" I protested

"I'm too fat for a crop-top, and it's the middle of winter in London,its frigging freazing out there"I shouted pointing to the window

"you will look fine, it will show off you FLAT stomach for niall and that's why I put the red jumper with it so you won't be cold"she said strecthing out the word 'flat'

"ok fine"I said giving in.

As I got changed sophie was downstairs cleaning, my phone viberated a smile came across my face as I seen it was from niall it read

thank god zayn is finnished his hair, on our way be there in 20:)xx

"sophie I'm ready"

I screamed down the stairs, she ran up and done my hair since it was half straight half wavy , she decided to straighten it for me which only took five minutes even though my hair is very long.

"ok downstairs is clean,your ready,so when I'm gone be cool with them don't fangirl and talk about one direction, ask them about themself and cook them something to eat"

she said in a rush as she applied foundation to my face.


sophie said looking at me smiling, I glanced in the mirror, wow I looked really well, my make-up was done just right not too much or too little just perfect and for my clothes well they looked ok too they did show off my tanned figure, but lets just hope niall likes it .I gave sophie a hug and thanked her for everything,

"better be off now,be cool brook"

she said raising an eyebrow at me

"ok I'll try"

I said taking a deep breath,

"oh yeah I forgot one thing"

sophie said turning to me

"what?"I asked,

"FLIRT WITH NIALL"she shouted at me as she walked out of my room.


I shouted and jumped on my bed, I have to be cool don't mess this up brook,act like they're my friends I tought to myself. My phone viberated a message from niall it read

hey were just outside, can you open your door so we don't get noticed by anyone xx

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