Chapter six

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I ran as fast as I could down my stairs, I swung my front door open and saw a black range rover parked outside my house, the door swung open and five boys came running at me all with their hoods up.I let them in and gave them all friendly hugs holding on to niall for a bit longer,

"ok well this is my house,and I'm brook incase you didn't cop on yet haha"I laughed

"oh we heard plenty about you"louis said,

niall blushed as red as a cherry, I pretended not to notice,

"and how is that?"

I asked looking at louis, niall nugged him

"he's just kidding" niall said,

"ok well let me show you the living room"

I said walking towards my living room they all followed,

"well get comfy" I said.

Niall ran and jumped on the two seater,and zayn,liam,harry and louis sat on the four seater. Great the only seat left was beside niall, it's like he planned it!, I turned the t.v on and sat beside niall

"how about a film?"

I said looking at everyone


they mumbled so I pulled out the box with dvds in it

"how about mean girls?"

I said looking at their expressions which caused me to laugh

"any horrors?"

niall asked leaning beside me having a look

"em..yeah I think,how about house at the end of the street?"

I asked, everyone agreed so I put it on.


niall shouted

"what's wrong"

I said looking at him


he shouted

"ok I'll make something"

I said while getting up

"I'll help"

niall shouted. I walked in to the kitchen niall following me,

"what do you want?"

I said looking through the presses

"I want you"he whispered back


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