Chaper ten

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"Me and zayn are going to bed"

sophie spoke up as zayn put his tracksuit bottoms on.

"They're so going to do it"harry screamed

"no way, it's two single beds dumb ass"

sophie shouted as she ran up the stairs with zayn.

"ok then, I choose harry"

"ok dare"

"I dare you to kiss..louis"I laughed,

"no way, I'm already naked so that means I'm out"

harry said while standing up, removing his hands from his body parts


I shreaked diving into liam,

"ouch I think I'm going to bed I'm tired night"

liam said kissing my forehead,


"wait if me and harry are sleeping in the spare room,liam in your parent's room and zayn and sophie are in your brother's room, does that mean you two are cuddling together for the night?"

louis asked smiling,

" I'll stay on the couch"

niall said blushing

"ok well then louis truth or dare"

I said trying to change the subject.


"is larry stylinson real?"

"um..w-ell I-I d-ont um know,but we are really close as friends"he answered blushing. God I never seen louis blush before,it looked weird but it was funny how touchy he was around the Larry subject. I could get used to this!

"ok my turn... brook"he said looking at his hands

"dare"I said sighing,

suddenly louis face lit up. He must have tought of an idea. Oh crap.

"I dare you to proper kiss niall for a minute and you have to sit on his lap"

he said letting out an evil laugh.God I really hate louis right now. Don't worry I shall get him back. I slowly climbed onto niall's lap and leaned in, we kissed for a moment then I felt nialls tongue on my bottom lip begging for entrance,I let niall's tongue wonder my mouth, I could feel a big bump in his boxers so he was obviously enjoying it, about a minute passed and I pulled away breathing heavy.


louis clapped looking slightly shocked, shit I forgot he was in the room. I could feel heat on my cheeks. Shit I was blushing. Oh god I couldn't let niall or louis see me so I let my hair curtain my small face as I climbed off nialls lap and onto the carpet on my floor.

"Ok I pick niall"I spoke up still blushing,


" it true that you got jelous of me and liam?"

I asked slightly scared of the answer,

"em..yeah I guess so"he said looking into my eyes,

"ok louis truth or dare?"niall asked

"dare obviously"louis said frowning ,

"em I dare you to lick your foot"niall said

"that's weird"louis said before licking his bare foot,

"my turn..I choose brook"louis said pointing at me

"ok dare" I said

"no wait truth"I screamed,

"nope you said dare first, so I dare you to go upstairs with niall and do it"he laughed, he was really hyper from the coke and that question was kinda extreme, "em..."I began.

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