Chapter twelve

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Nialls POV

I was lying in brook's bed in just my boxers, I heard louis mumble something before walking into his room. The bathroom door slowly opened,brook made her way over to the bed,the only light in the room was the moonlight shinning in from the small window but brook still looked amazing. Her green eyes studied me before crawling into bed. We were really close as brook's bed is quite small.I wrapped my arm around her waist,I could smell her 'alien' perfume everytime she moved and her hair smelt like apples, her small body was wrapped with mine I felt safe. Brook suddenly turned around so her back was against my bare stomach,

"em.. uh n-iall"she spoke

"yeah babe?"I asked

"c-an y-you um s-ing me a uh song?"

My heart fluttered and my stomach erupted into butterflies. She wants me to sing her a's so fricking cute.

"sure anything for you"

"You know I've always got your back girl

so let me be the one you come running to running to r-r-running

I say this cause it's a matter of fact girl,you just call my name I'll be coming through coming through I'll get coming

on the other side of the world it don't matter I'll be there in two,I'll be there in two, I'll be there in two

I still feel it every time it's just something that you do

now ask me why I want to

It's everthing about you,you,you

everything that you do,do,do

from the way that we touch baby

to the way that you kiss on me

it's everything about you,you,you

the way that you make it feel new, new, new

like everybody it's just us two and there's nothing that could point to

it's everything about you,you,you

everything about you."I sang softly into her ear as her breathing got heavier so she was fast asleep.I closed my eyes trying to get some sleep but I couldn't sleep, I lay there thinking about brook and how perfect she is. I think I'm in love with her.

Liams POV

I lay in my bed awake for what seemed like a while now. I could hear niall,louis and brook downstairs until they came up. Niall and brook were in brook's room while louis was outside her door muttering to himself until he walked back to his room. I glanced over at the clock, it's 4 in the morning go to sleep already! I thought to myself. My phone buzzed,I reached over and grabbed it. One new message from danielle it read

hey, liam I love you, but just not the fans I can't do this anymore. I'm so sorry :'(

what did I just read?tears started to fall down my cheeks. I adore the fans, I understand danielle has been getting hate but she always said she didnt care as long as we were together. I'm so confused.I turned my phone off and closed my eyes thats when I started to think about brook, I think I may have a crush on her.Or maybe more than a crush?

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