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"Great this year is going to be fun" Gwaine said sarcastically and Merlin sighed. Arthur noticed the two boys staring at them and he made eye contact with them for a few seconds before flickering his gaze onto a girl across the classroom.

"Can everyone get up from their desks and stand at the back of the room please" the teacher said and everyone groaned. "Come on guys I've got a new seating plan."

"Miss we're too old for a seating plan" one boy said and others nodded in agreement.

"We sat where we wanted last year" another person said.

"Well last year you didn't have me as your English teacher. I can learn your names with this seating plan and it gives you the chance to sit next to someone different." The class moaned again. "Were you all in this class together last year?"

"Yeah" the majority of the class said and then some people mentioned Arthur being here. He had been moved classes.

"Ah Mr Pendragon. I'm glad that I'm not the only new person in this class."

The teacher began reading names off a piece of paper she held in front of her and as she did so, she pointed to the desks. Merlin and Gwaine were stood next to each other hoping that they'll be put together. Unfortunately, Gwaine's name was called but not Merlin's and his heart sank.

"Gwaine can you sit here and Percival, you too."

"Sorry mate" Gwaine said as he walked past Merlin and found his seat. Never mind, Merlin thought. He looked at the remaining people at the back of the room. Maybe Lancelot.

"Merlin can you sit here" the teacher said, making Merlin jump slightly at the mention of his name. At least it's a back table, he thought. Once he sat down the teacher continued.

"And... Arthur can you sit next to him." Merlin sighed, making it obvious that he'd rather sit next to anyone but him. Arthur didn't look too happy about it either as he took his seat next to the boy.

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