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Merlin and Arthur dashed into the school gates.

"Merlin you need to calm down. Relax. This happens to me all the time" Arthur said and Merlin gave him a look. "Be cool."

"What, like you?" Merlin laughed.

"Hey I am cool" Arthur said, trailing behind his friend. The bell went and there was no one in the corridors.

"That must be the second bell! We're going to be late."

"Relax. Are you always this anxious" Arthur said and Merlin shoved him. "We won't get in trouble."

"You're in trouble" the teacher said as the boys found their seats. "This keeps happening, doesn't it Arthur? You're fine Merlin, it's just him." She smiled and Merlin nodded awkwardly. "Now do you both have a late slip."

"No" Arthur said as he put his bag on the table.

"Well go get one, now" she said, staring at Arthur who sighed and unwillingly did as he was told.

"We're only like a minute late" Arthur moaned and continued his rant all the way down the corridor.

"Are you always this whiney?" Merlin said and Arthur stared at him. "Just saying."

"Well I have every right to be. She's always raging at me."

"Well she has many reasons to" Merlin muttered but it was loud enough for Arthur to hear.

"So, what, I should be more like you?" he said.

"Yeah I'm perfect" Merlin joked and Arthur smiled, shoving him slightly. Merlin looked at him, then back down the corridor.

The day dragged on but Merlin felt better than he did over the weekend. Arthur was actually being nice to him and not his usually dim witted self. He even asked if Merlin wanted to join him for lunch since Gwaine was absent. Merlin politely declined. Although he wanted to be with him for some reason, he knew Arthur would want to sit with his friends too and Merlin wanted nothing to do with them.

"Are you sure, I don't want you to be lonely" Arthur said.

"I'm fine, I'll probably find Gwen somewhere. Or Morgana. Or both" Merlin laughed. "What's wrong?" he asked Arthur.

"I haven't apologized to Gwen yet. Or spoken to the girls since" he laughed slightly.

"Why would you need to apologise to them."

"I guess you could say I ditched Gwen" he mumbled and Merlin laughed.

"You what?"

"Yeah I sort of just...left her there without saying bye."

"What a gentleman" Merlin said sarcastically.

"Yep. And I probably made Morgana feel uncomfortable. It was her party after all."


"They just...slipped my mind" Arthur said. He smiled at Merlin who smiled back. Then he cleared his throat and said "anyway, I'll see you later then."

"Yeah see you" Merlin replied. He started to walk but then stopped and faced Arthur. "I know you're not too worried about them, but the girls will be fine. There's nothing they'll be upset over."

"Good" Arthur nodded.

"Besides, Gwen can't hold a grudge against you. She likes you too much." This comment caught Arthur's attention.

"You two talk about stuff like that?"

"Sometimes. But it's obvious she likes you, you clotpole" Merlin laughed and Arthur slowly nodded.

"I'll see you" Arthur said. Merlin watched him leave. That's weird. I thought he would be more thrilled to know that she likes him. He's so confusing, Merlin thought.

(Author: I'm starting to try and create a story that you can watch on youtube. The design is going to be like an otome game design where the speech pops up and there's a drawing of the characters. Similar design to Dream Daddy or My Horse Prince. I was thinking of trying to do that with this story but that might be too complicated but I really want to have a go! Would anyone be interested in seeing it if I do decide to do this project?

Thanks for reading!!)

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