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Merlin found the girls chatting in their usual spot in the cafeteria.

"Hi, mind if I join you?"

"Not at all" Gwen said, practically shoving Merlin onto the chair between her and Morgana.

"Has Gwaine already left?"

"Yeah. He and his mum set off early this morning."

"I hope he's ok" Morgana said. "And his dad of course." Merlin and Gwen nodded.

"You ok Merlin?" Gwen asked, concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine thanks" Merlin said, feeling confused.

"Morgana filled me in about the party. What an arrogant prat. Who does he think he is?"

"It's ok."

"Do you want me to go sort him out" Morgana said, darting her eyes behind Merlin. He looked around and saw Arthur and his friends on a table a few rows back.

"Honestly it's all ok, it's been sorted." They looked at Merlin with puzzled expressions.

"Just like that?" Morgana said.

"Yep. He apologised so it's fine" Merlin said. He turned around to see Arthur again, only to find that Arthur was already looking in his direction.

"Arthur? Apologising. That's a first" Morgana said, folding her arms.

"He can be nice when he wants to be" Gwen said.

"You're just saying that because you like him" Morgana said, smirking at Gwen and she blushed.

"I'm not. He can be nice, can't he Merlin?"

"He has his moments" he replied. He looked back at Arthur who was smiling slightly. Was he listening in? Merlin thought. When Arthur made eye contact with him he quickly looked away. He was, he thought.

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