WHAT THE HELL DID I DO?!?!?!?!?!?!(21)

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Natalia's P.O.V

"This is a beautiful house."Mina said when we hopped out of the car.

"Yeah someone else's dream is another's nightmare."She looked at me confusedly but I just shook my head.

"Let's go."I said taking my bags and going to the front door. I found the key I hid so I could get in. They all walked in and gasped.

"Yeah let me show you guys to the guest rooms then you can settle down. I'll also show you around the house. You could easily get lost."I said. I showed them the guest rooms and I stopped so I could leave my stuff in the room.

I saw a note on my pillow.

"Sorry we couldn't get to know each other more-Mark" So he must have left, yes.

"Let's go downstairs."I said smiling while coming out of my room. I showed the everything there was to show. They all were shocked and happy.

We went into the kitchen and we ordered Chinese food. We all were just about to sit in the living room when someone stood in the middle of it. Jason.

Tears splashed down my face, as did his. We smiled and I noticed I hadn't made a move. I ran full speed and hugged him. He leaned back and we kissed. It was an explosion. The days of missing him and not seeing him came back to me, as it did to him.

He wrapped both arms around my waist and picked me up. My feet were dangling from the ground. When we broke the kiss I set my head on his forehead looking him in the eyes.

"I love you."I smiled.

"I love you."He said smiling back. Someone cleared their throat. I looked back to see Mina shocked, Felicity also looking shocked. The girls looked they intruded in on something. Felix looked pissed as did Andrew.

Jason set me back down on my feet but taking my hand in his. A blush crept over me.

"Oh Jason this is my brother Felix, his girlfriend Mina. This is Andrew and his girlfriend Felicity."I said pointing to each in turn. The girls waved and the guys nodded their heads.

"This is Jason."I said. "Want to stay for dinner?"I asked.

"Of course. I want to hear how it all went."I smiled and lead him to the theater. No one followed.

"Beauty and the Beast?"He asked. I nodded. Five minutes later it automatically played. I sat by his side playing with his hair.

"I missed you so much."He said.

"I missed you so much."I whispered. I lied my head against his chest and we watched the movie. Twenty minutes later Mina told us dinner was here.

We all sat at the dining room table. We all talked but Felix was still angry as was Andrew.

"So how did you guys meet?"Mina asked. That had me choking on my food as did he. We burst out laughing. They looked at us confused.

"Well this deusch over here was the new kid. He framed me and well from there we became friends than more."I said.

"I knew you couldn't get enough of me."He laughed. I stuck my tongue out.

"Where's Justin?"I asked out of the blue. He smiled at that.

"Well my dad is watching him right now. He said that it would be best if I spend some time with you." He took my hand and kissed it. That's when he noticed it.

"What happened to your hand?"He asked. I sighed at that.

"Nothing major I just had fighting practice." I said not getting into detail.

"Fighting practice? You can beat most of the guys at school why would you need fighting practice? Not like you could kick my butt in the first place." He joked. Now the mood was lighter.

"You'll see my skills in time." I smiled.

"Really, when?"He asked.

"All in good time."I smiled a mischievous smile at him. He had no idea.

"So what are your intentions with my sister."I glared at Felix.

"Well I plan on being there for her when she needs me. I'm not going to run away from her. I know everything there is to know about her."He said with a cocky smile. I slapped him on the shoulder.

"Why do you love her?"Andrew asked. They were gaining up on him. I looked at the girls and they gave sad smiles.

"She's beautiful, smart, and doesn't take crap from no one. She fights her own battles."He replied.

"How old are you?"Felix asked.

"Just turned eighteen."That made me look at him.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't here."I said sadness creeping up my voice.

"Hey as long as you're here now I'm fine with it."He said smiling.

"I'll make it up to you."I said.

"Do you plan on going to college?"Felix asked.

"Ok look I know you're going to think that I'm not good enough for your sister. So let me save you the time. I plan on going to college, I plan on loving your sister till she doesn't want me to but I still love her if she doesn't want to see me. Oh and I have a kid. So before you judge me on that you should look at your own parents and yourself before ever looking at me."He said getting angry.

"What's that supposed to mean?"Felix asked getting up.

"STOP!" I screamed.

"This is my boyfriend and I love him, deal with it. This is my brother deal with it."I said before things could get out of hand.

"Sit down and let's have a nice dinner."I said. They all agreed. Conversation picked up.

"So you have a son. What's his name?"Mina asked.

"Justin."He replied the anger slowly evaporating.

"Have you met him Natalia?"She asked.

"Yes! He is the most adorable creature alive."I said.

"Oh which reminds me. He wants to see you. When he didn't see you he got kind of crazy."Jason said smiling at the memories.

"Tomorrow?"I asked. He nodded

"Oh and I told my dad that he can't tell me what to do with my son so I can bring him over." The whole dinner I kept smiling.

Dinner was finished and I was tired. Jason and I were on the couch alone. The others went out so they could explore the town.

"Are you staying over?"I asked him.

"Do you want me to?"He asked.

"Psh of course. Let's go. I'm tired."I said taking his hand and leading him to the room. I took my shoes off and sweater. He took off his shirt and shoes. He was left in his jeans. I kept staring.

I moved over to him and put my hands on his abs. He shivered. I looked up at him and smiled. He moved me closer to him and we kissed. Soft at first then it grew into something more.

Next thing I knew his pants were off, my shirt and pants were off. He was left in boxers while I was left in bra and underwear. He traced kisses on my neck and collarbone.

"You are so soft."He whispered on my skin.

"So are you. Hey, I want you to know that I'm never leaving your side again. It was hell."I said kissing him on the lips again.

"Tell me about it. It was hard to get up in the morning and not see your face. The seat next to me was empty every day. Mark wouldn't shut up either."That had me laughing.

"He's still going to public school?"I asked.

"Yeah but he told me he got his own place nearby."He said. Now he was on his side holding me in his arms. The blankets his us from the world.

"I love you."I whispered as my eyes began to droop from being so tired.

"I love you too."He whispered. We fell asleep in each other's arms happy again.

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