Dr. Emmett Cullen: Lost in Love

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Chapter 1


I wondered where I wanted to go after high school and decided to go to Vanderbilt University in Nashville. I really wanted to be a doctor like my dad. I actually got accepted. I was hard. I busted my ass to get in and graduate with honors. Dad was so proud. I managed to get a great job with the hospital in the er after graduating. I really didn't like emergency medicine I really wanted to do family medicine but I also needed the money to pay my student loans back. I did that for a year and as luck would have it my dad called and said that a doctor in New York was seeking a partner that would maybe one day replace him when he retired. I called and got an interview. I flew up and actually got the job. I was told I could start on October 1st. I had a whole month to make arrangements. I found a nice little apartment that same day. I flew back home to Nashville and turned in my time. They said they would miss me but understood why.

It was finally moving day. I walked into the office on the first day and was greeted by Doctor James Dillon. He was a older man and was very nice and polite. I could tell his patients loved him. He was the kind of doctor that knew all of his patients by name and could tell you all about them. I wanted to be like him. I put the pictures of my mom and dad up on my wall along with a couple shots of my dog max. I walk in to the first room and there was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Tall and curvy with eyes as blue as the ocean and hair the color of mocha. “Hi im Dr Emmett Cullen. Whats going on with you today?”She blushed and looked at her feet.

“Where's Dr. Dillon?”

“He hired me to be his partner. He wanted to lighten his work load. If you want me to I can go get him.”

“No its ok just haven't seen another dr since I moved here a couple years ago. J have this croupy sounding cough and a runny nose. I had a fever of 103 for the last few days and my boss says I can't come back to work until I see a doctor. So here I am.”

“I see. Do you have a sore throat?”

“No. No other symptoms but what I have told you but I have had body aches too.”

“Sounds like the flu. I'll get you a script. What's your name?”


“Here ya go and get lots of rest. I want to see you back in two weeks for a follow up ok?”

“Yea OK.”

The rest of the day went uneventful and repeating the fact that I was just here to help Dr. Dillon with the work load. I still couldn't get Amber out of my head.


I made an appointment with Dr. Dillon under force of my great friend Lisa. She was the first person I met when I moved here. She interviewed me for my job and took me under her wing for the first few weeks. When It came my turn a strange doctor walked into my room. But god he was hot. If I wasn't feeling like crap I would have tried to flirt with him , but wouldn't that be against the rules dating a patient? Hmmmm I think I would have to find out. He gave me my script and told me to make another appointment. Hell yeah. I would get to see him again. I walked out to the receptionist and made the appointment. I called Lisa to tell her I would be out the rest of the week I tried to watch tv that night but my mind kept wondering back to the doc. He was so friendly and kind. It was hard to believe that he would be here in New york. Before I knew it two weeks had passed and here I was again in the waiting room. The nurse called me back and put me into a room. I was shocked when Dr. Dillon walked in.

“How you doing lil lady? I know you were scheduled with Dr. Cullen but he had to take off. His sister is getting married today in Times Square.”

“Oh. Cool. I am better. “ I tried to play it cool but I couldn't help but think that Dr. Dillon knew I was disappointed. I went into work after that and Lisa came over. I swear that girl had a radar on her.”How did it go? Was he still hot?”

“He wasn't there Lisa. His sister was getting married today here in Times Square.”

“Really? Be right back. Here it is. Is this his sister?”

“I don't know. Let me see it.” I read on and sure enough it was his sister. Alice Cullen daughter of DR. Carlisle Cullen and The famous Architect/home designer Esme Cullen. Alice is a famous fashion designer and dresses several famous stars. Her fiance is Jasper Hale. A psychiatrist from Atlanta Georgia. “Wow I did not know that was his sister. Well it didn't dawn on me. I guess if I had thought about it and asked.”

“Well girlfriend if I was you and I couldn't get him out of my mind I would find an excuse to go see him.”

“Hahaha I guess you are right. I will think about it.” I worked til a little after 6 when quitting time was usually 4. I didn't realize it until the cleaning crew came in to clean the floor where I worked. I stopped at a italian diner and ordered Baked Ziti and a bottle of white wine and went home. When I awoke the next morning I dressed and grabbed my bag with my jeans and tshirt and tennis shoes. Today I volunteered at the Renesmee Carlie Cullen house. I loved helping all the kids there. It then dawned on me that I hadn't had my yearly physical. Maybe that would be a good way to get to see the hot doc again. Haha I think Lisa rubbed off on me a little.

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