Chapter 13

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A/N: I don't own twilight or the characters but I am the creator of this story line

Chapter 13


I thought I had a little free time between patients until Amanda the fill in receptionist came to me and said we had a walk in with a hurt foot. I didn't even look at the chart when I walked in the door. Ever since Amber had left I hadn't had much heart and didn't really put an effort into work or much else. I did spend a lot of time at the R.C.C. House and stayed my nights at mom and dad's house. I never signed the divorce papers, just put them in the drawer of my desk and never looked at them again. I guess I was holding out hope she would come back. It had been three years who am I kidding. Alice hadn't even heard from her.

“Amanda says you hurt your foot. How did you do that?”I heard a loud thump. I looked up and froze. “Amber???!!!”

“Damn, you aren't supposed to still be here. I'll go to the Er or something.”

I ignored her statement. “When did you come back to town?”

“This morning.” She sighed.”around 2 am I stayed with Lisa and was on my way to a job interview when I stepped off the subway I twisted my ankle or something. Yes I know I know I wouldn't be caught dead on the subway. I came straight here not really thinking. I just know it hurts like a bitch.”

I took a moment to collect myself. The pain was gone out of her eyes but they still looked empty. As I touched her foot I could tell my touch still had an effect on her. She moaned slightly under my touch. I don't think it was the pain in her foot I really hadn't done anything yet. I didn't look up at her but I chose my words carefully or carelessly depending on how you looked at it. “I still love you, you know. I never stopped loving you.”

“Why Emmett? How could you love me, after what I did? I killed our baby, I am a monster. I mean I came to terms with my pain but not my guilt but that was all recently. I don't know what to do anymore. I lost so much more than a child that day Emm. I don't know where I went inside but I'm lost and …..”

“It wasn't your fault.”

“Well, damn it Emmett it feels like it ok. I left to give you a chance to have a family and be happy and have what you deserve to have in life. To have the space to have children and move on.”

“It was always you. I never wanted anyone but you. I was happy with you. I wanted to make you happy and make you smile and get over this pain that we both felt. We could have been happy and had a long happy life together. We could have had so much baby girl.”

“I have missed you. More than I can ever tell you Emmett.”

“Have lunch with me, Amber, Please?”

“I don't know Emmett, I need to reschedule my interview and head back to get Samson.”

“Work here. Amanda is a fill in. The girl that was up front retired last week and we are in process of interviewing replacements.”

“Well I could help out but I planned on going back to my old job. Wouldn't it be awkward with me here?”

“I'll get Harry to interview you.” Now if I could just get her to come home with me. Harry agreed to interview her in my office. I wanted her to see our wedding picture hung on my wall along with several of my favorite photos of us on the wall.

After her xray and interview I gave her a script for some pain meds and wrapped her foot up and helped her to my car. We went to a little Chinese restaurant where we had our first date. We laughed and cut up while she told me about singing in the night clubs and bars, the crazy guys that hit on her and how she kept her wedding band on to help deter these guys but they kept coming so she made friends with a gay couple that pretended to be her boyfriends so the others would leave her alone.

“Honestly Emmett, everytime I turned around I tought I saw you and I go crazy. I dream of you at night and miss the safeness I felt when I was around you. I came home to hopefully get closure, to see if I could part with our home and just disappear. But then I run into you and feelings I'm not supposed to feel anymore just come flooding back.”

I looked at her and finally told her”Amber I never signed the divorce papers. I just couldn't bring myself to do it.”

“WHAT???!!!! I don't think I can deal with that right now Good Bye Emmett.”

I watched as she hobbled out of the restaurant and my life for the second time and get into a taxi. I sat at the table and just cried silently as I watched her drive away for the second time in my life. I hope I can get her back.

A/N: My version of Emmett is in touch with his emotions he cries in front of his wife just not his buddies or brothers. He feels strongly and loves deeply. He has a heart deeper than the oceans but still will beat the crap out of you for talking smack about his family. Yes i said smack. lol

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