Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


I was so nervous here I was letting Alice pull my hair in what seemed like 30 different directions at once. I let her dress me in this gorgeous dress that was mine and mine alone. It fit like a second skin. It was dreamy and not too frilly. It was a corset top tied with a red ribbon that trailed down my back. There was a white jacket that flowed to the floor I loved it. The bottom of the dress had little red ribbons sewn into it. The bridesmaid dresses where variations of red with white sashes and their jackets were like mine but shorter. The men were dressed in white tuxes with red cummerbunds and with red roses pinned to the lapels. My bouquet was red roses with white and gold ribbons. I really didn't know what the reception area was going to be decorated Esme and Alice decorated it and wouldn't tell me. They wanted it to be a surprise. When she was done with my hair I was astounded. I looked like a princess. Alice had pulled it in to a braided bun and weaved red and gold ribbons into it. I wanted to cry but Alice threatened me with my life if I cried and ruined her hard work. I really missed Emmett. He stayed with his brother at his apartment for the last two days. He was a firm believer in not seeing the bride before the wedding. I could hear him talking in the guest room and desperately wanted to go to him. Phone sex just wasn't the same. But tomorrow we were leaving on our honeymoon to Atlantis a resort in the ocean fashioned after the lost city of Atlantis. It was Carlisle and Esme's wedding gift to us. An all inclusive get away. Just then Lisa knocked on the door.

“It's time, Jake is waiting on you.” Jake agreed to give me away since my parents refused to come. I know lame right but they were so mad at me for letting Jesse marry Jaila. I ruined my life in that one little decision to them. Another reason I moved here. “Coming. Come on Amber your fixing to become MRS. DR. Emmett Cullen. Just breathe and walk slowly and carefully.” I bent down and checked my shoes. Alice bought me these knee high White high heeled boots that kept my legs and feet very warm. I walked out the door and realized the house was deathly quiet. Everyone must have been up on the roof already. I tucked my arm under Jake's arm and let him lead me up the stairs. Once on the roof I wanted to cry it was so beautiful. The weather cooperated and snowed last night there was a wonderful blanket of snow on the roof top. The icicles twinkled from the strands of lights that were strewn all over the rooftop. Then I laid eyes on Emmett. He was so handsome in that tux. When he laid eyes on me I could see a tear slip down his cheek. The music started and off we went.


I had waited forever for this day. I almost broke my promise to not see her last night when we had phone sex. Damn that girl could get me going with just a look. I couldn't wait to take her on our honeymoon. I doubt we would leave our room the whole time. Her ring was burning a hole in my pocket. I couldn't wait to get it on her finger and kiss her. I need to remember to keep it pg-13. I took my place at the alter and the music started. I took a deep breath and turned with the rest of the guests. I almost lost it when I seen her. I couldn't stop a tear from leaking out. She was absolutely gorgeous. I couldn't breathe. Mom's diamond necklace sparkled at her neck. Oh it totally accentuated her gorgeous cleavage. Her friend Jake walked her down the aisle towards me. I couldn't believe how beautiful she was. He put her hand in mine and took his seat. I couldn't believe what I was seeing out of the corner of my eye. My sister Rose was making goo-goo eyes at Jake. I would have to ask her at the reception. It was about time she found someone since her husband died. I just wish I could get her to move back home then everyone would be here.

“Emmett Do you Take Amber to be your lovely wife?”

“I do”

“Amber Do you Take Emmett to be your Husband?”

“I Do.”

“Then I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Emmett Cullen You may now kiss your bride.”

I leaned down and pulled her to me and kissed her with enough passion and emotion to let her know how much I missed her and loved her. When I pulled away we were both grasping for air.

“Hey baby brother wait til the honeymoon.” Edward hollered out. I shot him a evil look but laughed. I couldn't believe it she was my wife.

“I would like to invite everyone to join my husband and I over at the Renesmee Carlie Cullen house for cake and dinner. There is limos out side waiting for us all.”

I took my wifes hand and walked her down stairs to the waiting cars. We arrived and danced and ate and partied our asses off. It was well after midnight when we got back to our home. Alice and mom did a knock out job of decorating the R.C.C house like a winter wonderland. We made love before passing out. We had to leave at 5am to get to the airport and on our honeymoon. Alice had packed our luggage for us a couple nights ago. I hate to see what she had packed us. Laying there in the bed with her her wedding band sparkled in the light a titanium band with a aquamarine pinstripe to match her engagement ring and my eyes. I still couldn't believe she was mine.

The plane had been in the air for about an hour when Amber leaned over and asked if I wanted to join the mile high club.

“Excuse me?”

“So do you? I will go to the bathroom and in about 2 minutes you join me. Knock three times wait and knock three more times. I'll let you in and we can get freaky in the bathroom. What do you say?”

“Hell yeah.” She walked to the bathroom. I could hardly wait. When the two minutes were up I hurriedly went to the bathroom and used the code to get in. She practically pulled me in and locked the door back. She pressed her lips to mine as she quickly pulled down my pants. I noticed that she had no panties on. She managed to wrap her legs around my waist and guided my hardened cock into her wet center. “Damn baby you feel so good.” I pumped in and out in a fast steady rhythm. I could tell she was getting close cause she gripped my hair and bit down hard on my lip. “Cum for me baby. Let me see you cum.” She opened her eyes and looked up at me. Her eyes so heavy with love and desire. I felt her cum and the moan that came out of her lips pushed me over the edge. We came together. We quickly cleaned up and I let her exit the bathroom first. I waited a couple minutes and headed back to our seat. I'm sure everyone knew what we had been up to but no one said a thing.

************* 1 month later **********************


The honeymoon was excellent. We did a lot of fun things and also spent a lot of time having sex in the bed the shower the ocean the pool the jacuzzi every where we could possibly get it on. Which leads me to be where I am now. In the bathroom with a pregnancy test. I was already 2 weeks late. I hadn't told Emmett yet I was going to wait until the results of the test came in. Lisa was the only one I had confided in. The timer went off and I practically ran to the bathroom. Damn I was pregnant. Me and Emmett were going to be parents. I picked the phone up and called Emmett.

“Dr. Dillon and Cullen can I help you?”

“Can I speak with Dr. Cullen please?”

“He's in with a patient can I take a message?”

“This is his wife.”

“Hang on and I'll go get him.”

“Amber, baby what's wrong? You've never called me at work before.”

“Emmett, are you sitting down?”

“Yes honey what's wrong?”

“Nothing but you remember all that sex we had on our honeymoon?” I could picture him blushing at that.

“Um yes.”

“Well I'm Pregnant.”


“Yes baby. We are going to be parents.”

Dr. Emmett Cullen: Lost in LoveWhere stories live. Discover now