✖ | chapter three

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earlier that week
3rd Period

SCOTTY SMALLS HAD a strong preference towards science. not only was it his favorite ( and easiest class ), but he had it with one of his teammates as well, timmy timmons.

timmy, much to smalls' surprise, was more intelligent than almost half the class. every day, they'd sit by each other, and he'd already have the worksheet filled completely out and graded, a big red check mark at the top.

so, he knew something was wrong when timmy had stared blankly at the paper in front of him, none of the answers filled in.

"hey...smalls?" his voice came out small and hesitant. it was a bit difficult to hear, considering the class was filled with chatter as it was.

and that was odd for timmy - being first baseman, he often times was yelling across the field.

"yeah?" smalls perked up, glancing to timmy. the other male slowly turned to face him. he looked anxious, and his eyes darted around the room, as if he were paranoid.

"...you remember...at the beginning of the summer when you first started playing with us?"

"yeah..." smalls frowned. he sure hoped timmy wasn't looking this bad over guilt. timmy wasn't exactly the nicest of guys - on the occasion smalls had seen him picking on another classmate, elbowing elbowing in the side for back up. smalls never did, and he couldn't help but fee disloyal whenever he didn't assist him.

"...remember when you had that black eye?"

scotty's brows knitted in confusion. of course he'd remembered, it was a small slip up from playing catch with bill. speaking in truth, it was more his own fault than bill's.

"yeah! um...m-my stepdad-"

timmy's head snapped up suddenly, cutting smalls off before he could say anything else. the look in timmy timmons face showed relief, oddly enough. he leans back against his chair, a weary grin on his face as he began to work on his paper.

"glad mine's not the only one."

A/N: WHOOP WHOOP WHOOP CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. Also just gonna toss this hear; thank you guys so much for sticking with this story. I've noticed everyone writes about *Canon character*X OC but i am so shit at writing oc's it is not even funny.

And there is a depressing lack of stories written about the interactions between these 9 nerds.


you guys are awesome

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