✖ | chapter four

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KENNY DENUNEZ HAD managed to slip himself towards the second level inside the treehouse undetected.

everyone was too busy drooling over the magazines, anyways.

his feet dangled above mr. mertle's backyard, a small grin coming to his face. just a few short months ago, they stood here, trying to retrieve that chewed-up babe ruth baseball.

mr. mertle's lights were still on, and he sat in a rocking chair, listening to some ray charles.

the pitcher rested his head against the planks of wood, a small sigh leaving him. at least with mr. mertle they weren't the only colored family in the neighborhood.

he was used to it. he wished he was used to it. kenny was taught as a boy to simply ignore it, and that's what he did. but god, what he would give to just punch a kid in the jaw every now and then.

"man, i thought i was sneaky climbing up here."

kenny whirled around to see bertram, as he slid over to where kenny sat. the two chuckled, and kenny lightly punched his arm.

"what's up? i mean, you're usually good for a smile. why're you cooped up here, man?" bertram questioned, looking genuinely concerned. the thing about bertram was...kenny occasionally forgot about him. as awful as it sounded. bertram simply blended in.

"i dunno, man. s'just...thinking about stuff." he turned his gaze to the dark and vacant sandlot. hercules slept soundly beneath them, occasionally stirring in the sand to change his position.

and to think there was a time they feared that dog.

"...yeah. i get that." bertram replied, rubbing his palms on his jeans.

"you still upset about the bus?" he asked blatantly, and kenny shook his head, his lips forming a thin line. bertram never was one to sugar coat things, or dance around them. this was no exception.

"nah...i just..." denunez hung his head, swinging his left foot slightly. "...wish it didn't happen, y'know?"

"i know, man. i know." bertram nodded once again.

"so, what're you doin' up here? the party's down there, ain't it?" kenny offered him a small smile, nudging his shoulder.

bertram smirked and shook his head.

"well, the bros are inside. and...everyone else is just trying to hide their hard-ons."

the two boys laughed - and it felt good. kenny needed just this one, genuine laugh. the two of them eventually hush themselves up, and it falls quiet between the two of them.

"where'd you get those magazines, anyways?" kenny chuckled, turning to face bertram. bertram grabbed the railing and pulled himself up, gesturing down to the lower level.

"a good magician never reveals his secrets, kenny."

kenny chuckled again, shaking his head. that beanpole was an idiot - but he'd seem to know how to make kenny feel a little better.

"...thanks, bertram." kenny dropped his voice, turning back to look at bertram, who was already halfway down the ladder, only his head visible.

"hey, don't sweat it, man. you'd do the same for me."

and with that, he disappeared down to the lower level of the treehouse. and that sinking feeling in his stomach returned.

truth be told, if bertram disappeared, kenny would assume nothing more than that he was getting high.

A/N: honestly Bertram and Kenny are probably the most underrated characters in the movie. I was going to have this as Ham and Denunez but I was like

omfg i forgot about u bertram


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