✖ | chapter six

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"...AND THEN THERE were five." ham smirked, propping his feet on the table.

maybe tonight was a really bad time for a group hangout, considering most of the group was gone.

the rest of the boys sat in silence, all staring at each other. the silence wasn't necessarily awkward - it was somewhat comforting.

the only light came from squints' flashlight, and their shadows cast an eerie glow against all the various black and white baseball posters the timmons' had pinned up.

"...hey, benny?" squints suddenly asked, and everyone's gaze went to him. he seemed hesitant.

"yeah, man, what's up?"

"...you think they're gonna let us play this year?"

denunez smirked, and shook his head, messing with the zipper on his sleeping bag. they all knew the answer was no.

every year, no matter how hard they seemed to try, the other boys managed to come up with excuses for why the guys weren't allowed to be on the school team. benny always made the team, but he'd always decline.

they all knew it was because they were just a bunch of rejects, and the other guys didn't want them tainting the image of their team. benny just said he found them all to be jerks, anyways.

benny opened his mouth to say something, but closed it, seemingly trying to avoid making eye contact with squints.

squints frowned, and turned off the flashlight. he began shifting a bit, until he was laying comfortably on his sleeping bag, his hands behind his head.

"...that's what i thought." he sighed. the other guys sighed along with him.

"...well, i mean, maybe-"

"no, benny. there's not a maybe." ham spat, crossing his arms over his chest in a huff. benny stared up at the henry aaron poster, a small frown coming to his face. it almost seemed as though he was mocking him.

benny wasn't stupid. he knew about the shit he other guys went through at school. he knew how certain guys would try and butter him up, only to turn around and shove his friends into lockers.

well, more specifically squints.

it was a frequent occurrence for a girl to run up to him and complain about how michael palledorous was stuck in a locker...again.

just then, someone came thundering up the stairs, and the latch opened abruptly, causing all of the guys to jump.

it was bertram, and he looked white as a sheet, and very out of breath.

"...benny, man, we gotta talk."

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