✖ | chapter eleven

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"...OH, SHIT."

KENNY halted abruptly at the sudden voice. he slowly turned to face ham, whose face was as white as a ghost. was he seriously that scared?

if times were different, kenny would mock the hell out of him right now.

but the current urgency began to set in. he was a black kid who snuck into an amusement park. this would not end well if he got caught.

kenny's fingers wrapped tightly around the collar of ham's shirt, and he dragged him inside the funhouse. literally, he dragged him.

which was no simple task, for ham was practically dead weight. they reached about the middle of the funhouse, and climbed the steps towards the second level. when it wasn't all lit up with bright lights and funky music, it seemed to give off a really eerie vibe.

he'd hidden towards an area in which was close to the top balcony - an area where you walk through that's only about ten feet high, and is sealed off with a railing.

kenny slowly poked his head out, and saw the stand where yeah-yeah and squints were, both of them had hidden behind the counter.

what idiots.

as for the other guys, kenny didn't seem to see them. it was fair game to assume they were hidden as well - er, he could only hope they were hidden as well.

a sudden beefy hand jerked him backwards, and knocked the both of them to the ground.

hamilton porter so help me god I will beat your ass-

kenny groaned as he collided with the metal, a loud thump echoing throughout the attraction.

he tried to sit up, but ham seemed to have a death grip on him, which put the two boys in a very strange position - ham had practically wrapped himself around kenny, who continually squirmed underneath him. almost like cuddling. but alas, ham was a big boy, and kenny simply couldn't wriggle himself free.

"....what the hell are you doing, man?!" kenny hissed, smacking ham's arm. ham made a small whimper, and seemed to squeeze him even tighter.

"man-! you're gonna kill me!" he wheezed, and ham seemed to slacken his grip slightly.

"...i...i'm just making sure you aren't scared."

kenny wanted to punch him square in the face with that lame ass excuse.

"...oh, come on, man! we're gonna be fine, if you quit acting like a pansy."

ham finally released kenny, and he backed away, and slumped against the metal wall of the funhouse. ham, on the other hand, looked like he was about to cry.

as much as the big dope got on his nerves, ham, in a sense, was his best friend.

"...it's gonna be fine, man. everyone's gonna be fine. and when we get back to the treehouse, we'll make s'mores and dig into those playboys, yeah?"

ham cracked a smile and nodded, and the two proceeded to sit in silence.

it was definitely a promise kenny denunez didn't know if he would be able to keep - but at least ham wasn't smothering him anymore.

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