✖ | chapter thirteen

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"OH, YOU HAVE got to be kidding me." kenny hissed grabbing ham by his arm, making a sprint towards the exit. how the hell did they stay hidden, and benny rodriguez got caught?

squints and yeah-yeah tore off down the dirt path, towards the direction of the fence. kenny took off in a dead sprint towards the fence, easily passing both squints and yeah-yeah. the three boys had far too much momentum going, and all collectively slammed into the fence.

just as kenny hooked his fingers around the chain links, the sudden reminder of an obnoxious fat kid hit him like a brick.

he ripped himself away, turning back to face the park.

ham was nowhere in sight.

kenny began to sprint down the road, when he felt a hand grasp his arm.

"kenny, man, we are on the fence. where are you going?" squints snapped, and kenny shook the smaller boy free, before tearing off down the path.

"i gotta find ham!"

it shouldn't be too difficult of a task to find a fat ginger kid. he couldn't have exactly gotten far.

kenny took a sharp turn to the right, slamming into their former hiding spot, before jogging down the stretch of dirt.

there he was, the big blubbering mess.

relief washed over kenny's features, and he slowly jogged towards ham.

"what the hell was that? all you had to do was run!"

a frown stretched across his face, and ham shoved him lightly. though, despite the "lightness" of the shove, ham nearly knocked kenny on his feet.

"exactly! that was all you said, smartass! run. you didn't say which direction!"

ham's stupidity temporarily stunned kenny.

"...good god, man." he sighed, shaking his head. as the two rounded the corner, they were suddenly halted dead in their tracks.

for there before them, stood security guard.

"shit!" kenny swore, completely ditching ham, once again. though he had to understand - kenny was going to be in so much more trouble if the security guard caught him.

surprisingly, however, ham was able to grasp the severity of their situation, and followed after the kenny. the security guard now began after them in pursuit.

as he sprinted by the various rides, he caught a glimpse of a certain latino. benny's head whipped in their direction, and he must've understood what deep shit they'd wormed themselves into.

"hey, man!" benny suddenly hollered, and the guard's speed slowed significantly as he searched for the voice.

"you can't catch a coupla twelve year olds? that is weak, man, weak."

the chain link fence came into view once more, with squints, bertram, timmy, tommy, and yeah-yeah on the other side, gesturing for them to hurry.

kenny and ham both slammed into the fence, gripping at the links desperately, somehow scrambling over the top and safely onto the other side.

kenny landed on his back, the cool dirt a welcomed sensation. his chest rose and fell rapidly, and bertram ran over to him.

"you okay, man? you fell pretty hard."

a weak smile slowly made its way to kenny's face, and he slowly pushed himself up off the ground.

"i'm doing great, man."

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