✖ | chapter seventeen

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BENNY SAT ALONE in the darkened treehouse.

of course, it was packed with boys. but all of which were asleep. he couldn't keep the smirk off his face at their positions.

tommy had collapsed atop kenny, who sat across from him, also asleep. timmy lay face first on his sleeping bag, one of his feet propped up against the wall. bertram lay on his back, his pillow draped over the top of his face. ham snored - obnoxiously loud, and was currently cradling benny's leg. smalls had slumped against benny, and squints and yeah-yeah both argued over who would sleep on the shelf, so they both split it, and squints dangled his arm over the side.

"...benny. go to sleep, man." kenny grumbled, shifting slightly, not even bothering to open his eyes.

"...how'd you-?"

"i know you, man. and i know you're thinking about stuff." a slow smirk made its way to kenny's face, and he opened one eye. tommy shifted slightly, and kenny grew still.

"...i feel bad for him." kenny frowned, and tommy seemed to squeeze his eyes a little tighter, gripped kenny's sleeve more. something was troubling him in his sleep, and that was obvious.

benny made a slight face and shook his head at Kenny's comment.

"don't. tommy's a tough little guy - and a tough player. i mean...sometimes, i forget he's only in fourth-"

"fifth grade." kenny corrected, and benny let out an annoyed sigh.

"...fifth grade. and besides, he seems to be handling it alright."

a tight frown formed over kenny's face at that comment.

"benny, man, you may be a great baseball player, but you just really don't get this stuff, man." kenny shook his head and leaned it back against the wooden wall. a look of confusion took over benny's face.

"i don't act like all those things the kids and teachers say about me bothers me. s'cause i don't want everyone makin' a big deal outta it." he explained, taking a moment to pause.

"...timmy and tommy? they the same way. i mean - you think timmy is gonna ask someone for help?"

benny didn't reply. he knew it was true. the silence that filled the treehouse was calm and soothing - not awkward and uncomfortable. even ham's snores were somewhat tolerable.

"...i just wanted to say thanks-" kenny had broken the silence. benny held up a hand and shook his head. kenny, however, became persistent.

"no. you are gonna let me thank you." he let out a long sigh.

"i hate that word. y'know...the one phillips was gonna say...well, i just wanted to say thanks. for puttin' that wise ass in his place."

benny cracked a smile, and kenny's eyes slowly closed again.

"now try and get some rest...jet."

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