Chapter 12 - Mergers And Acquisitions

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"Christian, you've finally got a girlfriend!" Mia shrieks down the phone

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"Christian, you've finally got a girlfriend!" Mia shrieks down the phone.

"How come I get to hear about this from Mom - well Elliot actually, but of course I didn't believe him. I just thought it was one of his stupid jokes, so I called Mom and she said it was true, so then I believed it."

Fucking interfering Elliot again. He just can't help himself can he?

"Hi Mia, how's Paris?" I sigh, but can't help smiling at my little sister's exuberance. I know I don't stand a chance in hell of deflecting her inquisition.

 I know I don't stand a chance in hell of deflecting her inquisition

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"Oh no, don't try and change the subject. Come on, I want to hear all about her. Mom says her name's Anastasia? That's a pretty cool name. So how did you meet? Was it love at first sight? Did your eyes meet across a crowded room and wham that was it?"

"Don't be so melodramatic Mia. Life isn't like that stupid Chick Lit crap you insist on reading."

"Christian, humor me here. No one has ever seen you with a girl, so she must be pretty special if Elliot and Mom have already met her. I'm just totally bummed this happens while I'm out of the country. You could have waited you know, then I could have checked her out for you. Apparently, Elliot said Dad didn't believe Mom at first when she told him you had a girlfriend. He said she was more likely just a new member of your staff, but Mom insisted and whispered something to him about you being in bed with her when she got to your place. So, are you like totally into each other?"

"Mia, we've only just met. It's early days." I cringe at the thought of my family discussing my sex life. Elliot must be feeling so fucking pleased with himself.

"I mean, we're all used to Elliot and his constant stream of girlfriends, but this is the first time any of us have seen you with a girl, so she must be special."

"Anastasia is pretty special I guess. Now can we change the subject please, Mia," I snap. She's not making all this indecision about Ana any easier for me to handle.

Truth is after the last few days I don't really know how things stand between us. One minute I think I've just about got her within the grasp of my fingertips, the next I think she's slipping right through my fingers.

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