Chapter 18 - Preparations

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I go for a run early on Sunday morning, having had another restless night, largely in part because I've had a practically constant hard on thinking about my first scene with Anastasia in my playroom later today

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I go for a run early on Sunday morning, having had another restless night, largely in part because I've had a practically constant hard on thinking about my first scene with Anastasia in my playroom later today. I've been planning out every last detail of how I want it to play out. With all my previ-ous subs, I just planned what I wanted to get out of a scene; my sub has al-ways gotten her pleasure from knowing she's pleasing me. That's the deal with an established sub, that's what she signed up for, that's what she ex-pects.

But with Anastasia, it's different because she still has doubts and needs convincing that this lifestyle is for her, or she may walk away. And I don't want her to do that, in fact I can't have her doing that. So I'm planning our first scene to ensure that it's mind-fuckingly amazing for her. Hell, I'll enjoy it too, so it's a win/win situation for Christ's sake, so why is it niggling at me? Because it's not how a Dominant does things is it?

When I get back from my run, I shower and have breakfast, then I email An-astasia to give her all the access codes and information she'll need later. I tell her not to be late; I hate being kept waiting, but so far she's been punctual, and I sure hope that will be the case today.

Then I try to put all that out of my mind and get on with some work in my study. I'll be otherwise occupied after this morning, so I want to get every-thing up straight as far as possible business wise. As usual, I have several deals at various stages of negotiation, as well as information regarding pos-sible new areas to move into.

Such as Publishing.

Not an area that I'd considered before, but since Anastasia's told me that's what she wants to get into, and that she has interviews at two of Seattle's publishing houses, it's now become of interest to me.

From the research Ros has completed, I know there are four publishing houses in Seattle. I could potentially buy all four if I wanted, but that really wouldn't make good business sense. Since I first set up Grey Enterprises, Ros has been my right hand man - well, woman really, but since she's got more balls than most men, I don't really think of her as a woman. I assume she and Gwen have a Butch/femme lesbian relationship, but I've never pried. As long as it doesn't interfere with her work, it's none of my business what Ros gets up to in her own time, and Gwen's a great lady who never complains about the long hours I demand from Ros.

Her specialty is digging up all the facts, figures and most importantly the dirt about potential acquisitions, which she then reports back to me. As far as the publishing houses are concerned, turns out the one that offers the most potential is the smallest one - Seattle Independent Publishing or SIP. Profitable but stagnating; complacent, short sighted management who are not moving with the times, not looking for new areas to expand into. Exactly the kind of company with hidden potential that I like to buy.

As part of our standard research, Barney tried hacking into their systems, and managed it easily. It means their security is appallingly lax and will need to be addressed urgently if I do take it over. But this weakness has en-abled me to discover that Anastasia has an interview with Mr J. Hyde of SIP on Monday afternoon. I won't interfere, as I don't want to give a hint to any-one that I'm interested in acquiring the company; and I'm also curious to see if Anastasia will be successful on her own merit at interview. But I'll know before she does if she's going to be offered a job, and I'll immediately set in motion buying the company. Hell, I'm probably going to buy it anyway, as it really is an excellent investment opportunity.

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