Chapter 4

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Voices swirled above her. Her head felt heavy, her body tense. Something had changed. She could feel it deep her bones, in the center of her heart. Another rhythm pulsed in accordance with her own, and she reeled at the realization.

You have tied him, the eerie voice flitted through her. He is yours now.

Tied him? Who had she bound? What had she done?

Images jumbled around in her head, and she worked to sort them out, remembering a strange weathered boy attacking her in a cave. He had been aggravated with her. Her mere presence seemed to cause him great frustration and she struggled to think of why, to remember after that point, but she came up with nothing.

Focusing on the strange heading over her, she saw a sky of dark stone. It was a deep red, flecks and swirls of black worked their way into the tone. She squinted to see past the hazy edges, to sense more, and she gasped as she felt hands around her, holding her gingerly.

She jolted to her feet and stumbled on her solid legs. Her frantic eyes casted on the same boy from the cave, but beyond him stood three other people like him; all with eyes of coal and glassy skin. They were all older than him, and the woman closest was the most intimidating. Power radiated from her in waves, causing her to shudder. Her dark hair was pulled into a tight knot with loose fly-aways. She was flanked by two older men; one with hair that matched the night sky, dark and devoid of any color, whiles the others was a deep brown that reminded her of the muddy stream. The one with darker hair was tall and warily thin, his brows scrunched in angst. The one with muddy hair had kinder, gentler eyes. He didn't scrutinize her as heatedly and stood shorter and more muscled.

The woman stepped closer to her, her hand outstretching and she lurched back as she felt the humming swell inside of the woman.

"Stop," she yelled out to the woman. "Don't do it." She raised her own arms, not quite sure what she meant to do or what she was even capable of.

The woman's eyes narrowed. She was skeptical, but let her hand fall back to her side.
"My name is Raygen, Elder Raygen, but you will not address me as such. It is simply Raygen to you." She glanced back at the boy who sat on a slate of marble and that back to the girl. "We want to know what your intentions are, and what you have done to our boy."

She frowned at the woman. "What?"

"Stop feigning ignorance, child," Raygen ordered. "Do you see the boy over there? The one who brought you to safety? You have bewitched him. I want to know how and why."

"I do not understand what you mean," she whispered, eyes falling onto the boy. His bronze hair was scruffy now and his eyes were glazed. His gaze never left her, and the intensity at which he watched her made her shiver. She felt a twinge in her heart, became aware of the deafening beat the echoed from him and to her and began to understand. He was who the voice had meant. Somehow she had bound him to her, and for what reason she could not recall.

She looked back to Raygen. "I don't know how I bound him to me. The last thing I remember is our encounter in the cave." She looked around the dark building, constructed out of the same stone of the caves. "Are we still in the cave?"

"Yes," Raygen hissed. "You were luckily brought to our home, Community. We are the last of our kind. The topic of interest here is not about us, but about you. Who and what are you? Why have you come here?"

She frowned, mystification pounding through her mind. "I do not know who I am. I simply remember waking up in a forest, wandering through that horrible world and ending up in the cave. Something drew me to it, and when I was inside of it I encountered him." She pointed to the dazed and disoriented boy.

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