Chapter 17

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They fell asleep wrapped in each other's arms.

The dark enveloped them as they were carried off by a dreamless sleep, deep and black like the night. The rubble lied piled around them as they slept, and no monsters ventured through the darkness. It was in the late hours of the morning when the gloom had only receded slightly that they began to rouse.

Acacia was the first to wake.

She looked out to the remains of what had been homes and lives around her and remembered Alias' agony, thought of how she had wanted to fix it all for him but knew she never could. No matter what power she possessed, she would never be able to soothe his aching and terrible past.

But she could fix something broken. She could make grass grow and flowers bloom. She could heal, and maybe this would help to heal Alias.

She stood, consequences inconsequential in that moment. She shut her eyes, stroked her power, listened to Alias' hum, and then her own. She helped it to grow and swell, until it burst within her, pouring out into the brown fraying grass and she felt it begin to re-sprout and perk up out of the ground, green and vivacious. She felt the rubble shake until it lifted, reshaping itself into the houses that had once stood, Alias' childhood home once more in place. She felt her energy build and build and build, stretch further and further across the land, reaching a new pitch as it climaxed. Surprisingly, it did not tire her and it felt extraordinarily wonderful. She let it engulf her, and just when her powers reached dizzying heights, she fell back to the world and onto the ground, everything swirling above her as she blinked out.


Alias awoke last, his entire being freezing when he looked up to see his house restored to perfect detail. His entire neighborhood appeared untouched. He stumbled to his feet and looked in circles, saw that the rolling hills were once more green for as far as his eyes could span, just as they were in his childhood, in his memories, in his dreams.

He turned to Acacia, stunned and almost elated, but stopped in his tracks as he looked down at her.

She was twitching as she had been when the elders had nearly overwhelmed her with power when they had first met. A tremor rippled through her body and panic shot through him as their bond seared him with pressure backed by a powerful force, easily larger than all of the elders' combined. It lurched out and wrapped around him, burning him until he fell into blackness too.


The world was agonizingly bright.

Acacia hissed as it scorched her eyes, throwing her arm up to shield herself, but paused and withdrew it to look at as she noticed at the patterns in gold that overlapped her ivory skin.

A frown marred her face as she studied it. They were familiar. They were the same ones that...


She jolted up, tired eyes struggling to grow accustom to the blinding brilliance. As they adjusted, she realized that the light emanated from a single figure. She had white hair and skin as pale as her own. Their eyes were a mix of all colors, some that human eyes would've struggled to comprehend, but Acacia was much more than human. Her resemblance to this godly woman only stood to prove that.

The same goddess as before beamed down at her, her smile bright and gleaming. Her skin was drizzled in the same shining gold patterns, but hers were much more expansive and held a shimmer, while Acacia's glimmered. Her voice was the most intricate and beautiful song that every existed, not spoken or heard, but felt. It seeped into her and warmed her being, not so that she was hot, but so that she was full and complete. This goddess was home. This goddess was mother.

Just as the knowledge hit her, other images flitted by her vision. She could see herself, never a baby, but already in existence, even before she had been conceived. She could see the dips and pools of the universe, could be them and swirl in them. She could see the stars hidden behind the blanket; feel the warming glow of the sun as she caressed it with her hands, all of it hidden behind a looming, sinister veil. She frowned at the cover, and reach out to remove it, to fix it, but...


She was suddenly back in her body with mother. She was in the place of white glow that all seeped from mother's glory.

You cannot touch, darling, but you are getting closer to unmasking it.

She saw another mirage of images, of astounding glass buildings of dazzling arrays of glory and beauty. She was herself in them, saw mother, saw the others, was with them, was one of them but different. She saw herself discussing with mother, heard them disagree over her intervening with the humans. They wanted to help, but was too young, too inexperienced to be the one to do it, and her plan was risky at best. She was not to do it, mother had said, but she had and she was.

Yes, Acacia, you defied me. Do you worry of my wrath?

A laugh bubble out of her, stunning her as she dared to taunt such a being, but something in her knew that she was one of them.

Of course you don't worry. I was never one to be angry. I suspect it is outside my nature, but you have caused me great distress, and I am capable of becoming displeased.

"Mother..." Acacia whispered. "Where are my memories?"

Mother grinned at her, her smile so beautiful and syrupy that it hurt to look at, hurt to feel so loved. They are where they always have been, child. They are part of the flow of time, always there, always moving. You just haven't been yourself enough to reach them.

"I'm sorry," Acacia gushed, sincerity ringing through her. "I had to help the humans. It was the only way."

It may have been, it might not have been, but it is too late now. You have set the wheel spinning in motion. The others are not happy. You must be careful, my love.

"And I apologize for avoiding you. I did not understand at the time. Pressing myself into the body of a human limits my understanding." She paused, worry blossoming. "Will I remember you when I go back? Will I understand once again?"

You will always understand, her melody swelled and surrounded her. You just will not know it at the time. Your human body cannot endure you forever, and it is catching up with you. I cannot allow you to remain in their world much longer. Your body will eventually deteriorate, and it will not be natural. I will have to take you back before that point, or you will have to choose to rejoin me.

Thoughts buzzed through her, faster and far more complex than her human brain could ever comprehend. "I will take care of it when the time comes, but before I leave once again, do you forgive me, mother, for what I have done? For going against your orders?"

She continued to smile, her warmth and radiance dazing. There was never anything to forgive, my Acacia. Now I will let you go back. That Halfling seeks you.

Acacia beamed back at mother, savored what it felt to be in her warming presence and to be her true self, to be so boundless and liberated. "I will see you soon, mother."

Soon, my daughter, she agreed.

The world twisted away into ribbons and Acacia fell, down, down, down until she the ground cushioned her, and she fell back into her mortal body.

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