Chapter 20

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Alias gripped her hand fiercer than he ever had before as the world dissolved around them and fell back together, not to form the meeting hall of Community, but to shape the entrance of the cave.

As she felt his dead deep through the bond, she casted her eyes towards him, and her body immediately tensed as she absorbed his white face, utterly pale and void of color. Never had she seen him so shaken.

He stepped away from her, letting her hand fall from his. "They don't listen," he said hoarsely. She felt a spark ignite inside of him, felt it steadily build until it reached a dangerous peak. "How entirely daft can they be?"

She watched him trail throughout the rocks, running his hands along their hard surfaces as he went. His feet dug into the ground with every step, and his fingers bit into the rock, as his aggressive nature flashed to the surface. She let him weave throughout the field as his anger came in waves, swelling then dissolving, and continuing in an eternal repetition.

Finally, she intervened; tracing his steps and following him through the rocks until they reached the very spot she had held him to her, begging for the life to reenter him. "Alias, no matter what they may think now, the Masters will come, and they will get their wake up call. They will prepare for war, and at least now they won't be entirely surprised when it comes, or unprepared. The seed of doubt and anticipation you planted in their heads may be small, but it'll sprout, and they'll act."

He shook his head. "I don't understand how after everything we've been through, they could take the risk. They're so consumed by fear that they can't see what's right in front of them; you, me, the danger. They're blind."

She sighed sadly, stepping to his side as they both looked down to the shapes in the ground of freshly sprung grass, when her ability had made an appearance at last. She let her eyes fall shut and open the gates to welcome the power that waited for her, felt it accumulate and then rush forward, and she embraced it now, embraced mother, and reveled in the warmth that enveloped her and Alias in return through their bond.

When her eyes opened, she smiled as she noted the grass that had spread over the entire surface, at the flowers she had encouraged to bloom. It was beautiful against the stark dark of the reddish rock that jutted out of the world and piled around them.

She looked to Alias who looked slightly dazed, mainly ruffled. Her power enthralled him, just as it did her, but to a mere mortal it was intoxicating. But he was more opened to her than he had first been, more accepting of her powers and who she was; what she was.

"Most people stumble through their entire lives blinded, and they never wake up enough to notice what's right in front of them." Their eyes locked.

"Is there hope for my people?"

Her heart skipped a beat, and the sensation was funny to her. She had grown accustomed to her mortal body, but with the knowledge she had recently repossessed, some of its functions still stunned and astonished her. She loved how her emotions could physically affect her, could impact her so deeply and thoroughly, how she had the ability to react and connect with other people on an entirely new level.

She smiled slyly. "What happened to the boy who didn't believe in hope?"

He looked at her amusedly. "He was shown the light."

"You still are rough around the edges, but you have softened, Alias, and it makes me happy to see you capable of such a thing. It gives me hope."

Mirth dissolving, smile slipping, he frowned. "I am not soft. I will never be gentle or kind. I will never be like you, or capable of it."

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