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Atta had no money, she realised. She managed to nick a few coins from the people busily passing her. Another thing she noticed was that there were barely any women in this town, just burly and greedy men.

She made her way to the inn; a sturdy stone building in the centre of the bandits town, stealing a hooded cape, she pulled the hood over her head before entering.

She walked towards the bar, dodging two men who were fighting on the ground. She sat on a stool, her hood still covering her features and her cloak covering the wings on her back.

"What can I get for you?" A burly man behind the bar asked, Atta shook her head; saying no.

The barman didn't bother her again, but Atta felt someone staring at her. She turned slightly, trying not to alert the person watching, she saw a hooded figure leaning against a wall in the shadows.
Two familiar yellow eyes glowed from underneath the dark cowl the man wore, Atta narrowed her eyes.

She tried acting natural for a few more minutes, tapping her white, claw-like nails on the bar top. Eventually she got sick of it, she made her way outside swiftly, after soaring a quick glance at the man.

She smirked when she was outside, she had heard the humans talking about some valuable hunting information.

"I see we meet again, Atta dear" said a gruff voice behind her, she turned sharply and was met with the yellow eyed man from inside.

'Rhaegos?' Atta asked, been a human does not automatically mean she knew how to talk like one.

"Aye, it is me" he said warmly, removing his hood to reveal a forty year old man with scruffy black hair, yellow dragon eyes and long, black claw-like nails.

'What are you doing here? I though you lived in the eastern forests, this is the west'

"I've come to gather information and stop a dragon hunt"

'I can help' If the the gentle wild dragon was here to stop a dragon hunt, she was eager to help.

"It'll be dangerous" he said, a stern look on his face.

'I'll do anything to protect the others'

Rhaegos grinned at her, he began walking away and beckoned her to follow him. He pulled her out and away from the town, making his way towards the dark forest.

"Another thing, Atta" he said suddenly when they were consumed by darkness, their dragon night vision helping them see.

'What is is?' She asked, suddenly curious.

"They've heard rumours of a white, riderless warrior dragon" Rhaegos began, "Atta... They're after you"

Found Dragon- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now