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Two weeks later...

Mori spat a small flame out of boredom, he watched it disappear in the air in front of him, an ember of the flame dropped onto the tail of the dragon walking in front of him.

'Would you stop that, Mori!?' Atta roared, slamming her tail onto the ground and successfully snuffing the flame out.

She snorted angrily at the annoying dragon, before continuing to walk and think of the mate she had left behind.
She didn't want to endanger Nesenth, inside the necklace he wore, her tooth, Atta had placed a spell on it that would enable her to find him easily.

Because they had been flying for the past three days, Atta and Mori had concluded on walking so they could rest their wings.

Atta stopped dead in her tracks and turned to face the young dragon behind her. He looked at her, confused.

'You've found your rider?' She asked, the question echoing into Mori's head.

He nodded his head 'her name is Tyvyana, she is a red-winged harpy'

'Where is she?' Atta interrogated, turning around and sitting infront of the young dragon.

'I'm not sure, we were separated a couple of years back, that's why I became a wild dragon' he answered solemnly.

As the dragons continued on their journey, on the other side of the country, Esmerelda and Fados were busy laughing their heads off.

"It wasn't... Haha... Even that.... Hahahaha..... Funny!" Fados exclaimed, failing to grip the edge of the tree stump and smashing into the ground, where he continued to laugh.

His Aqua dragon roared with laughter, hot tears began to roll down her scaly cheeks. They were interrupted by a voice.

"What's so funny?" Their heads snapped up, rider and dragon both attempting to hold in their laughter.

"Uhm.... Nothing, Rhaegos, I don't see anything funny around here, do you Esmerelda?" Fados said, smiling sheepishly.

"Absolutely nothing, Fados" she answered, trying to cover up their hilarious disaster with her body.

Suddenly a loud 'moo!' Broke the silence, Esmerelda closed her mouth and tried to hold in a snort, while Fados chuckled at the sudden out burst.

Rhaegos poked his purple head behind the two, to find a very unusual sight. A single cow stood up in a tree, quite content as it munched on leaves.

"How in Atta's name did that get up there?" He questioned, turning to face the two, both of them had their cheeks puffed out as they held in their laughter
Most of the wild dragons now looked up to Atta, she had helped destroy the hunters and her name was now commonly used in the wilds sentences and phrases.

Fado searched his brain for a reasonable explanation, he eventually found one. "It flew" he claimed, holding up his pointer finger.

Esmerelda broke into a fit of dragon-giggles, the skin above Rhaegos's eye twitched upwards. Fados collapsed onto the ground, clutching his stomach, Rhaegos chuckled a little too.

"How did it really get up there?" The purple dragon asked, smiling.

"Well" Fados began, holding in his laughter "Esmerelda and I saw the cow walking through the forest, we followed it until we came here, then, Esmerelda sneezed and it sent he cow flying up into the tree" The teenager explained, chuckling afterwards.

"Well, get it down, I must talk with you two privately" Rhaegos said, heading off.

Esmerelda and Fados shrugged and went to help the animal down from the tree.

Found Dragon- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now