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Ashanti's POV
"Oh my goodness!" A bleach blonde skank yelled while hugging every single one of the boys. I rolled my eyes. Kimmy and I went to go get our things. "Just as expected." Kimmy sighs with a light chuckle.

"Exactly how it was imagined." I glared at the ground. From the corner of my eyes, I can see Louis looking at us, as if he knew this would be our reaction.

I let out a puff of air and shook my head. I fixed the glasses on my nose and shook my head once again.

Zayn walked over to us and said "Hey girls, we are gonna go in a bit so if you want to make some phone calls home then go right ahead." He smiled at us. Mostly Kimmy. I smiled lightly and thanked him.

I walked over to the bathroom and dialed my mothers number.

"Ashanti! Oh my goodness! How was your flight honey?" She asked. I chuckled quietly. "Hey mom, the flight was good. How are things back home?" I asked her. "Very busy, I got put into three shifts a day now." She groaned.

I shook my head as I heard the other nurses calling her. "Duty calls mom." I playfully said a I serious voice. "I know, we will talk after my shifts okay?" "Alright mom, I love you." I said "I love you too sweetie, bye." Was the last thing she said and I hung up looking at my phone.

I turned my phone off and slid it into my pocket. I sighed and walked back to the group. I kept my head low as we walked outside the airport. I was three, black, tinted vehicles. The bleach blonde skank kept giving us looks and glares.

Being the coward that I was, I did nothing.

"Liam, Niall, Ashanti and I will take the first car. Zayn, Harry and Kimmy will take the second. And the last one is for you, Stacey." Louis said, quickly grabbing onto me and walking off before the skank could say anything.

Liam and Niall were right behind us. Louis got into the backseat of the car and patted his lap. "I got your bags." Niall said taking my two bags and taking them to the truck of the car.

I climbed into the car and sat on Louis' lap. I payed no mind to him though. Jealousy was still running through my whole body. I don't know why I was mad at Louis because I was jealous. I mean it's not his fault but, I don't know.

I waited for Niall and Liam to get in the car and then we were off. The back of the drivers seat is blocked off for some sort of privacy. It looks sound proof too. I get off of Louis' lap and straddle Liam's.

Louis watched me carefully, as did Niall and Liam.

I nudged my nose gently against his ear which made him tilt his head to the side slightly. I planted soft kisses down his sharp jawline. A deep groan was let out when I kissed a certain spot on his neck. I kissed harder on that spot and his hands gripped tightly on my waist.

I planted a light kiss on the now red area and smirked at him. I glanced lightly at Louis and saw that he was mad. I was happy to see that he cared if I gave attention to Liam. Or any other person.

Louis was silent. I stayed in Liam's arms for the rest of the ride. I kept glancing at Louis. He looked very angry. I didn't care at the moment. If he was going to be with another girl then I can be with another guy.

"Sir, we have reached our destination." The driver spoke. The voice startled me just a little bit.  We got out of the car and I held onto Liam. "Ashanti, babe come here." Louis said with his teeth clenched.

I let go of Liam and slowly went over to the very angry man. "Just so you know, you are getting punished. Badly." He said right next to my ear quietly.

His voice gave me goose bumps everywhere. I gulped and stayed with Louis for the rest of the walk to the house. My phone vibrated many times but I just ignored it. I didn't want to get into more trouble then I already was.

"This is your new home." Niall said opening the very large wooden doors.

Well here goes nothin...

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