Can I

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This chapter goes to my amazing best friend, grace1025 love you gurlll!!! Oh and this chapter is sexual so yeah just a heads up.

We went down the elevator and ended up downstairs. I held onto Harry's hand and we walked to the kitchen together.

"Daddy!" I squealed while running to Louis. "Hey sweetie." He smiled.

"Good morning." I giggled. "Good morning to you too love." He kissed my lips softly. I quickly kissed back.

Brenda looked happy to see us showing affection. We broke our embrace and I sat by Kimmy.

"Still no sign of them?" I questioned. "No, but Harry said that they should be coming soon." She smiled.

I smiled back. "I hope they do." I winked at her and she blushed.

After eating, I started craving gum so I went around the house quickly looking for a pack.

"Ugh! Just on- Ohh!" I squealed and ran to the new pack of gum. I grabbed two pieces and ran back to Kimmy.

"Here." I handed a piece to her. She thanked me and we sat on the couch chewing on the gum.

"Alright loves! Today we are learning about confidence." Loui's smiled. You can see in his eyes that they were filled with lust.

Is Justin going to be here with us? I thought in my head as Louis was talking. Ashanti! You should be paying attention! I snapped out of my own little weird mind conversation.

"Okay, so, we are going to be heading downstairs." Harry said. He helped me stand up and I smiled up at him. He just smirked and squeezed gently on my hand.

We walked to yet another huge set of doors and Harry put a number code in. 1999. There was a short beep and the doors opened.

We walked down a big hallway and it was just- what is the word I'm looking for? Beautiful? No. There were no words to describe it.

Louis pulled out a key and opened one of the doors. "Go inside loves." He said with a smile. I looked at Kimmy but walked in.

"Sit." Harry instructed.

Kimmy and I sat on the bed. We waited for further instructions. "Now. You know, if you don't want to do something, then you don't have to do it." Louis said genuinely.

We both nodded and listened more. "This might not seem like it won't help with confidence, but, it really does help you with it, and sexual activity." Harry explained.

"What are we going to d-do?" Kimmy asked nervously. "Kimmy. Kiss Ashanti." Louis said simply like it was nothing.

My eyes widened. "Wait what?" I asked. "Daddy, how is this supposed to help us?" I asked yet again.

"If you're straight then this could open up your options more just a little. It helps you be ready for pretty much any gender. Not telling you to like the same gender! But it could help you feel more comfortable about certain situations." Harry explained.

I sighed and looked at Kimmy. "I'm up for it if you are." I said touching her shoulder. "Are you comfortable with me doing it?" She asked.

I nodded and scooted closer to her. I took a deep breath and started to lean in.

She was starting to as well. Hopefully this wouldn't make anything awkward. "Are you sure?" She whispered. Her lips brushing over mine. I nodded again and looked over to the boys.

I looked back at Kimmy. I closed my eyes and went in. We kissed for about 7 seconds. It was like a normal kiss, but it didn't seem normal at all.

We both broke apart at the same time.

"Good job girls." Louis praised.

I smiled and crawled up to the end of the bed. Sudden urges started to come. Those Urges.

"Daddy." I whined to Harry. He looked at me with confusion, and then his eyes widened. "Alright baby girl." He said softly and then rolled his eyes playfully

"She's a needy one." He turned to Louis. He laughed and nodded in agreement. He crawled onto the bed with me and kissed me roughly.

My eyes widened and the eased into the kiss. It was amazing. I never wanted this feeling to end.

The door opened, Zayn and Liam walked through the door closing it when they walked in.

"Daddy!" Kimmy said excitedly and then jumped off the bed. "Daddy." I said to Louis. He looked over at me and I motioned him over to come with me and Harry.

He sighed and went into bed with the both of us.

"Well, we'll be in the other room." Liam said. Zayn had a smirk plastered on his face and I looked toward my daddies.

I giggled as Harry ran his fingers through my hair.

"Alright baby girl. There is one more thing that you have to do." Louis said. His usually light blue eyes darkened.

I nodded and went on my knees. Harry started to unbutton his pants and my eyes widened.

"It's alright love." Louis whispered. His front of his body was against the back of mine. He planted a kiss right below my earlobe and I took a deep breath.

Harry was now in his boxers. My heart was racing and I had no clue what to do.

Instead of him taking off his own boxer's, I placed my hands on top of his to stop him. I slowly went to the top of his boxers and pulled them down.

I held my breath as I took in how big he was.

"Uh, what am I supposed to do with him?" I whispered to Louis. He chuckled and Louis placed his hands on mine.

"Just go up and down- just like that." He smiled.

How were they so comfortable with this? It made no sense to me at all but there with clearly nothing that I could do about it.

"Is that okay?" I looked down at Harry.

"You are doing great babe." He panted slightly.

Louis had now took his hands off of mine as I got the hang of it. A loud moan escaped from his lips and his hips bucked forward.

He came in my hand and I had no clue what to do with it. "Uh daddy.. What do I do with this?" I asked laughing a bit.

He took some on his finger and held it up do me.

I looked at him as if he was crazy and he had the most serious face that I could've ever seen.

I licked it.

I closed my eyes and let the salty taste run down my throat.

It wasn't unpleasant. Doesn't mean that I would do that 24/7...

"Was I good daddy?" I asked. "You were amazing baby." He motioned me to come and give him a kiss.

Which I did.

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