Midnight Tears

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Ashanti's POV

I gently shut the door and ran down the hall. Instead of using the elevator, I used the stairs. Tears flooded down my eyes and to my cheeks. I can't believe that he kissed me. I kissed back.

When I got to the second floor I went straight to my room. I locked the door and cried. I cried because I betrayed my boyfriend. I cried because Justin could lose his job. If they find out, We will both be in big trouble.

If I do the right thing and tell them, Things can go slightly better, right? I let my back hit the door. I slowly made my way to the floor. I leaned my head back and sobbed. I can't let them see me like this. They'll ask questions until I break.

I got up from my spot and I choked out a sob. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

"It's okay Ashanti." I said to myself. I tried my very best to calm myself down. I have to make myself not too noticeable. I looked at myself in my mirror. Horrible.

Puffy eyes. slightly red face. Just horrible. I brought out the makeup bag that was in my drawer and grabbed the tings I would need.

I made sure to do some eye makeup. I smiled at myself in the mirror. It looked like nothing happened. Except, my eyes were a little red. I let it go and put the makeup away. I grabbed some stuffed animals and unlocked my door. I looked around the hallway. No one was coming. I quickly ran to our room and closed the door.

I scattered my stuffed animals around to make it look like I was playing with them. I looked around for my pacifier and I found it in the bathroom. I sighed and put it in my mouth. I went back into the room and sat on the king size bed.

I heard my phone 'ding' and I checked it.

Daddy: We'll be home in 2 sweetie.

I sighed and grabbed my stuffed panda. I held it close to me and I walked out of the room. I made sure to close the door. I walked down the set of large stairs and made it downstairs. I waited right by the door and waited for the boys to walk in.

I heard the lock to the large door and I waited. I didn't want to open the door just incase I got in trouble for doing so.

Harry and Louis both walked through the door with nothing in their hands. "Hi daddy." I squealed with my pacifier still in my mouth. "Hello baby girl." He wrapped his arms around me. I released from our embraced and hugged Louis. There were two men with their hands full of bags.

"Daddy?" I asked. Harry looked over at me "Hm?"  He hummed in response.

"What did you get?" I questioned.  "Just things for you baby girl." Louis smiled. I grinned and replayed the events that happened earlier. Harry took my hand and we made our way upstairs. We sat on the bed.

"So baby what do you do today?" He asked moving over the stuffies. "Well daddy, I played with my stuffies and did my makeup." I smiled. He looked at me with a grin. He brought me close and kissed my forehead.

"I love you so much princess."

"I love you too daddy."

~Later that evening~

11:46 pm

I lied down with Louis and brought the covers up over my head. "What are you doing honey?" Louis asked. "Uh, nothing daddy. I'm just trying something." I applied light pressure with my hand on his area.

"P-Princess." he let out a shaky breath. I peeked my head from the covers and put my head on  his bare stomach. "Were you okay being in the house today princess?" He asked quietly playing with my hair.

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