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Ashanti's POV

"I really liked him." She whispered. "I'm really sorry." I rubbed Kimmy's back softly.

I felt horrible for Kimmy. She had strong feelings for Zayn but I can't believe that he's going out with my sister.

"It's not your fault." She said sniffling and rubbing her eyes. "I-I just feel horrible." I have no idea why I am apologizing for my sister but I hate to see Kimmy like this.

"You know what? I shouldn't even be worrying about it." She wiped her tears and smiled.

"Kimmy darling, it is okay to be upset." I said hugging her tightly. "I know." she sobbed loudly.

This broke my heart into a million pieces. My own sister did this to a girl that she didn't even know. This made me so mad.

"I'll be right back." I promised Kimmy. She nodded and reached over to grab her phone. I walked out of the room and closed the door.

I walked down the hall and into my Daddy's room. Harry looked up from his phone and smiled lightly.

"How is she holding up?" He asked. "Not so well." I said sadly.

Harry motioned me to sit on his lap. I walked over practically dragging my feet and sat on his lap. "You know," he said between kisses.

"There is only so much you can do to help her." he stated. "Yeah but-" "Baby." he said sternly.

I looked up into his eye's. They were dark. I knew he was upset and frustrated but we need to help Kimmy. I couldn't see why he couldn't just think of other ways to help her.

"Daddy, There are ways to make her feel bett-" "Ashanti I don't want to hear it." he cut me off YET again. I'm really getting sick of his shit.

"Harry. There is a way to help her." I spat standing up from his lap. "Where is all of this attitude coming from?" he asked with a frown on his face.

He was also confused and at surprised to why I called him by his name.

"I don't have an attitude." I crossed my arms and turned away from him.

"Baby, don't be like that." Harry sighed. He tried to wrap his arms around me and I only pushed him back.

"Baby girl." He cooed kissing my neck. His arms wrapped around my waist and I struggled to get away from his embrace.

"I'm sorry baby." He whispered licking the soar spot on my neck.

"No." I whined. "Get off me." I sighed. All of a sudden a loud, high pitched scream came from the other room.

I gasped and ran out of Harry's arms.

"Ashanti!" Harry called. I ignored his calls and went straight to Kimmy's room. "Get off of her!" I yelled. I saw Kimmy shaking and crying.

"Harry!" I screamed. Loud footsteps were coming to the room.

Vincent climbing off Kimmy and went to me. He slammed the door shut and then slammed me into the wall. I let out a yelp in pain.


Tears stung my eyes and I looked away.

"Get away from me!" I yelled. "Get off of her!" Kimmy screamed. "Daddy!" I yelled as Vincent smacked Kimmy. "Vincent open the fucking door!" Louis demanded.

"Daddy help!" Kimmy slammed her fists onto the big door that wouldn't open for anything. "It's okay baby we're going to get you guys out of there!" Liam said calmly. Vincent kicked Kimmy and I gasped in shock.

I quickly went over to her and held her. "Be a good girl and suck me off yeah?" I banged on the door and waited for something to happen.

"Vincent!" A loud and stern voice said from outside the door. Kimmy and I looked at each other as the door began to open.

Justin was there. He was more than mad. There were no words to describe what his emotions were. "Girls come on." Harry said. Kimmy ran out of the room and went straight into Liam's arms. I followed and hugged Harry.

"Daddy I'm sorry." I whispered. "It's okay baby." Harry stroked my hair comfortably and I let the tears fall into his t-shirt. He kept on repeating the same words and it calmed me. It soothed my tense body.

"It's alright baby girl. I got you. I love you." He whispered the last part just below a whisper. I heard him this time. I looked up at him and smiled.

"You love me?" I asked quietly. His face flashed with panic. He was scared.

"I love you too daddy." I kissed his cheek.

A sigh of relief flowed from his beautiful lips and I snuggled into his chest.

"I'm taking him downstairs." Justin said angrily.

"Justin please no! Please you can't put me downstairs! Please!" Vincent begged. "So now you are all of a sudden back to normal. I thought you said that you were intoxicated!" Justin yelled pinning his brother against the wall.

Vincent laughed. All he did was laugh. "Niall, come help me take this cunt downstairs." Justin frustratedly sighed.

Niall nodded and Brenda was right next to him holding the baby. "What the hell happened?" Louis asked.

"Uh- Vincent came into my room after Ashanti left. He tried to rape me but Ashanti came in. He slammed her into the wall and started hitting us after that." Kimmy explained.

"Are you girls alright?" He asked with concerned. Kimmy and I both nodded. It wasn't too much. I wish it had never happened though. A loud slam came from the basement and I jumped.

"Come on baby." Harry dragged me to our room and Louis followed after us. "Alright babe. Take everything off but your bra and panties." Louis instructed.

I slowly took off my shirt. Both of the boys starring at me. I didn't feel uncomfortable at all.

Once my pants were off, I lied down on the bed and took a deep breath. Harry was on top of me with nothing but boxers.

"It's alright baby girl. I got you." He whispered.

"You can start now." Louis said smirking. My eyes widened as I felt what was happening.

Harry rocked his area on mine. I moaned loudly and my back arched underneath him.

Harry's POV

I'm trying. I'm trying not to lose all of my control, rip whatever she has on off and just make love to her. I'm trying so hard.

I knew what Louis was doing. This wasn't a test for her. It's a test for me to see how far I could control myself before I just lose it.

Her moaning underneath me wasn't helping one bit. I looked at Louis and he had a smug look on his face. I look down at Ashanti and she was just getting pleasured.

"D-Daddy, I think I'm going to c-cum." She stuttered. "Just let it go baby." My hips rocked faster and once I released, she wasn't too far behind.

"Good job. Now. Ashanti, it's your turn." Louis smiled.

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