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"Help!" The scream was only getting louder. "What the hell was that?" Kimmy asked.

"I have no idea but, there is a staircase." I said skeptically walking down the old wooden stairs. "Ashanti.. I don't think those are safe." Kimmy whispered not going anywhere near them.

"Don't you want to find out where that screaming is coming from?" I asked. "Not really with those steps looking like they are about to break and make us fall to our death." She placed her hands on her hips.

"Kimmy look." I started jumping on the stairs and she let out a loud gasp.

"See?" I chuckled at her.

"Nothing happened." I fished looking at her. "Fine but after this we have to come back up here." She gave me a stern look.

"Okay, okay, come on!" I said excitedly. We both went down the set of stairs slowly. Not knowing what was going to happen.

"I-Is that Niall?" Kimmy asked as we got to the bottom of the wooden steps.

Oh my god.

"So you want to be using girls huh?" Louis asked. How the hell did the boys get down here so damn fast? Last time we checked, they were all sleeping.

"I wouldn't say using." Vincent said spitting out some blood that was left in is mouth.

"Then what the hell were you doing to our girls in that damn room?" Louis yelled.

"It was nothing. Just having a little fun with them." He shrugged. I looked at Kimmy and she was in shock. She had no idea what to do.

Neither did I.


Harry punched Vincent. His head jerked to the side from the impact of the hit. "Why thank you Harold." Vincent said sarcastically.

"You know the rules here Bieber! You don't mess with ANYONES girl." Harry spat.

I gasped quietly at the sudden change of Harry's behavior. Vincent did try to do things to us but he didn't deserved to be tortured.

Another ouch was thrown at him from Niall. I couldn't stand to watch this happen. They were all torturing him.

"K-Kimmy lets g-" I started to shake once I heard a clicking sound of a gun.

"This will teach you not to mess with our girls ever again. This will be the last time you do it." Liam said pointing the gun straight at his forehead.

He was about to pull the trigger. Tears were flooding like no other. He doesn't deserve to die.

"STOP!" Kimmy screamed. We both came out from the staircase. All the boys were staring at us. "J-just please stop." I said quietly.

"Girls, get back upstairs to your room... Now." Harry said calmly. Everyone knew that he was angered with the both of us though.

"N-No." I whispered. "What was that baby girl?" He asked crossing his arms.

I paused for a minute.

Do I really want to do this?

Just save all of the trouble for another time.

"N-No." I spoke. Harry clenched his jaw and Kimmy hid behind me slightly. She was frighten to see what Harry might do.

"Ashanti take Kimmy upstairs now!" He demanded.

"No! I'm not going upstairs! I won't let you kill him!" I exclaimed. Harry was at shock. My sudden outburst was out of nowhere.

Liam put the gun down and frowned. "Let's go Kimmy." He said reaching his hand out.

"No, I want to stay with Ashanti." She said not looking into his eyes. "You are going to be badly punished my dear." Harry chuckled sinisterly.

My eyes widened as I was lifted off of the ground and thrown over his shoulder. "DADDY! Put me down!" I yelled trying to push myself off of his back.

"Nope. You disobeyed me and daddy so you need to be punished." He was already up the stairs and walking down the halls me and Kimmy had walked threw.

He walked into one of the rooms and threw me on the bed. I sat up and looked at a very angry Harry.

"Now young lady, who told you to come down here along with Kimmy?" He asked tapping his shoe.

I didn't say anything. I just looked away from his face. He scared me, and I had no idea what the punishment was going to be.

Harry walked over to the corner of the room and grabbed a small leather whip along with rope.

"N-No, please daddy." I cried. "Do not argue with me. Fifteen is your punishment. Scream or fuss, and you will get ten more." He said bluntly.

We walked over to me and told me to turn around. I did as I was told and a couple tears slipped from my eyes.

Harry sat down on the bed and grabbed the whip. "Bend over." He said sternly, patting his lap.

I sniffled and bent over like I was told to.

He pulled down my pants and left them on the floor next to me. Next were my panties.

The rope was tied around my hands and tears poured down my face. After my laced panties were pulled down, one hard smack.

I cried out in pain. He pulled on my hair and tugged my head back. "What did I tell you?" He spat angrily. "I'm sorry daddy." I cried. "You better start counting." He said.

I nodded and took a deep breath.


I closed my eyes shut and whimpered quietly. "One." I managed out.


That one was harder than any of the smacks I've gotten. "T-Two." I cried out.

The smacking went on and I had to hold in my painfully screams.

It was too much.




"F-Fifteen." The pain was finally over.

Now was the time that after care would take place and the forgiveness policy.

I got down on my knees and looked up into his eyes.

"A-Am I forgiven daddy?" I asked.

He looked down into my eyes. A soft smile took place.

"Yes you are baby girl." He said patting his lap. I got up from the floor with a little help from Harry.

Scratch that.

A lot of help from Harry.

Harry placed me on the bed and then got up. He went to the dresser across the room and got out a little container.

"Lay on your stomach baby." He said sweetly. I obeyed and took a deep breath.

"This is just aftercare cream." He started to rub the cream all over my red bum.

I let out a little sigh of relief. The cooling cream was relaxing.

"Put your panties on baby." He said lifting me up and setting me on my feet.

I bent down and grabbed my underwear, lifting them up to cover my private parts.

"Thank you daddy."

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