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Ashanti's POV

"Kimmy... We really shouldn't go down there." I said contemplating on going or not. "But- Ashanti just think about it, we can find out what the boys have been hiding."


"Ashanti!" She pushed.

"Kimmy, what if we get in trouble? We have no idea what our punishment is going to be. What if it's bad? What if-" I thought about it for a minute.

"Did it sink in yet?" She asked with a giggle.

"Yeah." I laughed. All we had to do was get through the boys room. "Do you have the password for the door?" She asked.

I shook my head and sighed. "Maybe the boys have it on their phones?" She suggested.

"Good idea. I'll go check Harry's phone. You check Liam's. If it's not there then we will look in Louis's."

I quietly went to Harry and I's room and looked for his phone.

I started to search in places where I though that it would never be. I looked all over yet again then it popped up.

The phone was in his hand.

"Shoot." I muttered quietly crawling over to his hand witch was extended out with his phone gripped into.

I successfully got the phone out of his hands and then got onto it. I looked through his old text messages and group chats.


I saw Harry shift slightly and turned to face the other direction. I finally found the password.


Hm. Weird password. Oh well. I shrugged it off and repeated the numbers out loud quietly.

I kissed Harry's forehead and placed his phone down on the nightstand.

"Kimmy!" I whisper shouted as she waited by the door. "Did you find it?" She asked. "Yeah. 1999." I nodded.

She pressed in the numbers and the door made a loud beep. We both flinched and looked at each other.

"Oh god." she whispered. I nodded with wide eyes and started to walk into the hallway. There was a long hallways with rooms on each side. Then you saw an upstairs and a downstairs.

"Downstairs right?" I asked. "Yeah that's where they said not to go." I took a deep breath and made my way to the stairs. I stepped down slowly.

"Do you see anything?" Kimmy asked. She was right behind me, keeping an eye out for the boys.

"No, there's only stairs." I sighed. What if there was nothing down here?

"Kimmy, do you really think that there is something down here?" I asked turning to her. "Of course! Why would the boys hide it from us?" She placed her hands on her hips.

"I don't know but do you hear that?" I asked.

"No what is it?" She asked. "It sounds like music. Let's go check it out." I stepped down the set of stairs and Kimmy was following behind me.

When we made it down the stairs, it was a pitch black hallway. We had no idea what to do. "Kimmy? Where are you?" I whispered turning everywhere.

I couldn't even see my hand in front of my face. I felt something touch me and I let out a scream. Obviously it was Kimmy because the thing that touched me started screaming as well.

"Kimmy!" I sighed. "Oh god Ashanti you scared the living shit out of me!" She slapped my shoulder.

I laughed and she started giggling. "We walked more and more down the hall but slowly. We didn't want to bump into anything. "We should've brought a damn flashlight!" I whispered shaking my head.

"We're stupid." She laughed. I laughed along with her. "Woah look!" She pointed over to the red strobe lights a couple feet away from us. The music was way louder now.

"Woah! Let's go!" I pulled on Kimmy's arm and went to the lights.

I gasped at the sight oh multiple stages everyone had a certain color wristband. "What the hell is this?" Kimmy asked. "Hello ladies. You're the new baby girls, correct?" A girl our age asked.

"Uh yeah. I'm Ashanti. This is Kimmy." I introduced us. "Lovely to meet you. I'm Jordan a professional baby girl here. Are your owners with you?" She asked.

"Erm- uh no?" Kimmy said quietly. "Did you guys come down here by yourselves?" She smirked. "Uh yeah. Out of curiosity." I laughed nervously. "Oh well come on girls! I'll show you around!" She cheerfully waved us to follow her.

We followed behind her and went passed people.

"Where the hell do all these people come from?" I asked in disbelief. There were so many. It was like a club.

"This is a underground kink stage. Different men and women come down here to rent rooms, get toys, see shows, etcetera." Jordan explained.

"They aren't apart of the program?" Kimmy asked.

"Oh no. The program is for whomever the boys choose. You girls are lucky," Jordan winked.

"I heard your Harry's girl correct?" She asked. I nodded and she chuckled. "He's a good lad but he doesn't mess around when it comes to punishments."

"What, really?" I asked tilting my head to the side. "Yep. He certainly does love you in so many ways." She winked.

I smiled lightly and nodded. She giggled probably knowing that I had no idea what she was talking about.

"You'll find out soon hun." She waved it off and we started walking again.

"These," she turned to us. "Are the whipping chambers. The rooms are specifically used for whips only. So, if there are rooms for whips and cages, that means that there are rooms for different kinks." She explained.

She took us through a couple more hallways. Kimmy and I asked a couple questions here and there but it was nothing too in depth.

"And finally," Jordan drew a dramatic sigh.

"The Little's room." The hallways was white. With different things on the walls like plugs, vibraters, pictures. It  was so interesting.

"This one isn't one of my favorite kinks but it's lovely in there. I must say that you'll enjoy it." She smiled and I nodded at her with a grin.

"Well loves, if you need anything don't be afraid to find me! I'll just be walking around helping some other people. Don't be afraid to come talk to me or ask any questions!" We nodded and Kimmy waved to her.

"It was nice meeting you!" I called out to her. "You too loves." She walked away from us and I looked at Kimmy.

"Well it's not so bad." Kimmy shrugged. "Why would the boys keep this from us?" I asked in confusion. "Only God knows." Kimmy answered looking down the hall.

"Hey do you see that?" I asked going closer to the end of the hall. "No what's up?" She asked. "There's a corner to this hall wanna go check it out?" I asked. "Yeah let's go."

Kimmy caught up to me and we heard a loud yell.

"Someone get me out of here!"

Kimmy and I turned to each other. The voice was very familiar. "That can't be- can it?" She asked.

"I don't know, lets go find out."

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