Chapter 1: Back to school

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Chapter 1.1
My name is Monica George. I am a 3rd year high school student at the University of Solaire. You may think that it is just a normal school, but it isn't. Everything is grouped and classified. You can see these different groups : The smokers, nerds, jocks, band geeks, pregnant fuck-ups, skaters and potheads, fatties, social climbers, teacher's pets, bookworms, anorexic girls, weirdos, hotties without brains, cool kids, hipsters, goths, wannabe's, ghetto mofos, smart people. And last but actually the best, us. They call us the duchesses . All the boys want to fuck us, all the girls wanna be us. Us, I mean, Catie Michelle, the smart one, I think she's bisexual; There is also this bitch Alison, the funny one. My cousin Bridgette is also part of our little group. Then our leader, Lissa, the queen bee, who is actually dating Ali's ex-boyfriend Ronaldo, the basketball jock. I don't really believe in love, I mean, I dated a dj who fucking two timed on me and that loser hipster. I also dated that volleyball player but I dumped him cause of his tiny ass dick. I am the only one without a boyfriend. Catie has Jedd, Ali has Simone and Bridgette has Zac and Aaron. To add to my misery, I am the only one who is in a different class. Everything is fucking falling apart. I wanted this year to be the best but I guess that's never gonna happen. In my classroom, there are a few girls that I actually like. The rest are stupid fuckholes who I absolutely hate. The worst part is that I am actually classmates with my ex, the dj Brody. I am also classmates with Bridgette's two boyfriends which is really awkward. In the classroom, I am seated to this new student Kaye (left), Zac (right), Eunice is in front of me and Erica behind me. They are the closest people I have in the classroom. I hate that I am classmates with this twat Divia, she is such a wannabe. She always flirts with all of our boyfriends and she always tries to hangout with us, but she fucking can't cause she looks like a fucking frog dumped in a volcano. As lunchtime came, we sat on our table. My friends sat next to all their boyfriends. Bridgette sat next to Zac, she then texted us that she sent Aaron to the gym to wait for her. After 10 minutes, she went to the gym and left Zac with us.
Bridgette: stay here, I have something to do in the gym.
Zac: okay, I love you babe.
Bridgette: yeah, whatever
I don't really know what will happen if both those guys find out what Bridgette has been doing. Lissa and Ronaldo are acting so sweet, Ali and Simone are kissing each other passionately and Cate is giving Jedd a blowjob under the table, leaving me and Zac alone. As Zac stared at me and I stared at him, the air felt very cold. Everything became awkward. We laughed at each other. As I was about to say something to break the ice, my ex Brody came up to me and said:
Brody: How are you babe?
Me: Babe? We broke up loser
Brody: We did not! We just argued.
Me: Argued? You fucking douche, you cheated!
Brody: Ugh stop whining, lets fuck.
He leaned for a kiss and boom! Zac punched his stupid ass face. Because of that incident, Zac and I became closer. We talked to each other more often, we spent more time together. Bridgette was furious, she told me to stay away from him. It was easy for me cause I just treated him as a friend. I didn't talk to him during class, I only talked to Kaye for the duration of all our classes. My friendship with Bridgette was more important to me. After a few weeks, Bridgette's routine was still the same, 15 minutes each for Zac and Aaron. Cate told me that Aaron and Bridgette always have sex in the gym during lunch. Lissa and Ali felt bad for Zac so they told him everything. He was devastated! He broke up with Bridgette. For a few days, he never attended class. Bridgette replaced Zac with Raphie, doing the same routine.
I went to Ayala because Lissa set me up with her ex-boyfriend. I told her I didn't want to but she insisted. While I was waiting for the two of them to arrive, I saw Zac. I went up to him and we talked. We played X-box. It was super fun, but our joyous moment ended when Lissa and Blake arrived and pulled me out. I haven't had the chance to say goodbye to him. I met Blake and liked him. After a few days, we became a couple. I know you're probably thinking I am an easy girl, I was young okay? He is super cute tho. A month passed and I felt like my life was sorta okay. Until Bridget had a revelation. She was sobbing real hard as she stated her bad news, she was pregnant.
Chapter 1.2
Everyone was shocked.
Me: How did that happen? Weren't you using condoms?
Bridgette: New flash, sex is way better without condoms!
Lissa: Omg Bridgette, who is the father?
Bridgette: I am not sure if it's Raphie or Aaron.
Cate : You are such a slut!
Bridgette: Well you do the same thing with Jedd, you hypocrite.
Ali: You even told us your jaw ached from sucking his thick cock.
Cate: oops
Jedd: Well, Cate is my number one cock sucker
Lissa: Atleast your first time was with a hottie, mine was with Alejandro, ew.
Cate: Jedd isn't my first, Jonel is.
"Blake pulls Bridgette away"
I followed them going to the Janitor's closet. I eavesdropped and heard :
Bridgette: It's you Blake
Bridgette: Keep it down
Blake: Fuck what am I supposed to do?"
Bridgette: Why did you have to fuck me? Why'd you do this to Monica? She's my cousin! Why did you say yes when I wanted to fuck you?
Blake: I don't know! I love her, how am I gonna tell her? Fuck! Why'd you want me to fuck you? It's your fault!
Bridgette: How are we gonna take care of this baby?
Blake: Let's clear our heads first and talk about this later.
As Blake opened the door, I slapped him and ran away. As I was running, I felt tears running down my cheeks. I couldn't stop crying. I bumped into Zac and fell down. I directly stood up and continued running. I didn't go to school for a few days. After a week, Bridgette went to my house and asked me to let her stay with me, apparently her parents kicked her out after she announced her pregnancy. I still accepted her willingly, I couldn't say no, she's still my cousin and best friend who is holding my future niece/nephew in her belly. It was okay because my family's in New York.
The next day, I decided to go to school. During English class, I talked to Kaye about everything. I was too moved by my emotions that I forgot Zac was sitting next to me. He heard everything and told me:
Zac: don't worry, I'll beat him up.
Me: Don't! You're gonna get in trouble.
Zac: Well he hurt you! He fucked my ex when the both of you were still together.
Me: Just leave him alone!
Zac: No, I will avenge you!
Me: Wtf just stop! You aren't even my boyfriend.
Everything became silent and awkward. We just stared at each other intensely. I ran outside crying. Kaye and Zac ran after me. I went in the Girls CR. Zac waited outside and Kaye comforted me inside. After a few minutes (1 hour), I finally went out. I saw Zac sitting on the floor with his eyes closed tight. As I was about to wake up him up, Kaye pushed me and I fell above Zac. Kaye directly took a picture of us and posted it on Instagram, with the caption: " They are officially together." I shrieked and the both of us stood up. Both our
cheeks were as red as the cute Mac lipstick I bought a month ago. Kaye ran as fast as she could. I was about to chase her but Zac held my hand.
Zac: Mon
Me: Oh Zac, I forgot about you, Thank you for waiting. You are such a good friend!
Zac: What if I want to be more than a good friend?
Me: Oh, a true friend?
Zac: More than a true friend Mon.
Me: Hmmm a close friend?
Zac: More than that
Me: Oh a best friend?!
Zac: More than that Mon
Zac: Finally
Me: A very close true best friend?
Zac: No Mon, I love you, will you be my girl?
Me: I am not ready ... for love yet
Zac: Please, I love you Mon
Me: I don't want to be heartbroken again!
Zac: if you aren't ready, then I am gonna wait for you!
Me: Zac don't! You are just wasting your time on me. You are really hot! Girls would fight for you! I am not the right one, I am sorry.
He leaned down for a kiss
Zac: Okay, but give me just one kiss.
I kissed him and felt the warmth of his love for me.
Zac: I love you and I will wait for a billion of light years just to be with you.
Me: I like you too, but now is not the right time. Good bye.
I ran away with tears falling from my eyes. I know you're probably thinking "What a crybaby", well newsflash judgmental bitches, I was a junior so give me a break! As the three of us arrived back to our classroom, our teacher scolded us and gave us detention. During detention, everything was so awkward. Kaye kept laughing at both of us. I just wanted to put tape on her mouth. I was dying from the embarrassment and awkwardness. At last, the bell rang.
-the end of chapter 1-

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