Chapter 4: Addiction

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Chapter 4.1
My heart throbbed quickly. I was speechless. Everything disappeared. I felt numb. In that moment, the only things that actually mattered were the two of them. Cody is a good guy. He never cheated on me. He loved me unconditionally. He is smart, talented and good looking. On the other hand, Zac is geek charming. Hot but nerdy, cute but not that smart. It was one of the most difficult decisions I had to make in my whole life. But I still had to make a choice. I walked going to him. He smiled at me and I kissed him on his cheek. Zac was devastated when he saw me with Cody. He kneeled down and cried. After I kissed Cody, I whispered something to his ear. He smiled. I gave him the umbrella and ran going to Zac. Zac was shocked. I kissed him. I gave him a kiss that was filled with so much love and passion. I didn't pick Cody because I knew I would only end up breaking his heart. He deserved someone better. I am a bad girl, he is a very good guy, we are total opposites. It would never work. Opposites do attract, but newsflash, we aren't fucking magnets. We're fucking humans. Zac and I made out under the heavy downpour but we didn't care. All we knew was that I loved him, he loved me, and we were happy.  We rode a taxi going to my house. He carried me going to my room while he kept on giving me soft kisses. He put me down on the bed and moved on top of me. He continued to kiss me as he cupped my breasts. He then became savage instantly. It was like a switch was flipped inside of him. He started kissing me lusciously  as he removed my top and unhooked my bra. I removed his shirt and felt his hot abs against my body. He was squeezing my boobs savagely like they were gonna explode. I removed his belt and took off his pants, leaving him with his underwear. I could see his erection clearly. The shape of his dick was evident, also was his passion to come inside me. He removed my shorts leaving me wearing nothing but my thong. I wanted to tease him so I sucked his dick through his underwear making the cloth wet and sticky. I could see the pleasure in his eyes. He wanted me to stop and remove his underwear, but I didn't. I felt like I was dominant over him and I liked that feeling. Challenged, he carried me up side down and thrusted his fingers in my vagina with my thong still on. I was also challenged so I sucked his dick even more, that cum was starting to come out of his underwear. He was also challenged thus he started fisting me. I could feel the cloth inside me. I sucked his dick even more. Horny as ever, he threw me on the bed. He then removed both our underwear and started thrusting inside of me. He thrusted so fast, too fast. It was painful AF.  It was the best pain I have ever felt. The perfect combo of force and speed, of pain and pleasure. As he was thrusting, he licked my nipples, fondling them. He kissed my neck and sucked it right after, which left marks all over. Like me, he wasn't satisfied yet so he carried me and turned me over and started to put his dick in my ass. He also placed his fist in my vag.  He thrusted both at the same time. I couldn't even breathe. It was the most intense thing I have ever done.  Semen was squirting everywhere. After one last blow, we kissed. He gave me a sexy kiss, so I returned the favor. Horny, we did everything all over again. It was the most intense sex day I have ever had. We did it five more times. We did 25 different positions! The next day, he cooked breakfast for me and we ate. We showered together and had sex while showering. We changed clothes and had sex with our uniforms on. I didn't know what I was doing. It felt like I was addicted to having sex with him. I never stopped giving him blowjobs even if my jaw was already tired and sore. He never stopped thrusting even if my vagina was already powerless. He made me swell all over. The way he does it always made me feel so good. The pleasure was always intense. It was because of the way he enters me, ugh, it's amazing! We did it everywhere. We didn't even care where we did it anymore. All we wanted was to be together and bang the shit out of each other. He made me want to want him more and more. I realized that I had an addiction, a sexual addiction. In school, I'd give him hand jobs while the teacher was discussing. We would take the same restroom breaks just to have sex in the janitor's closet. During lunch, we'd hookup under the bleachers in the field. I didn't even have time with my friends anymore. All of my time was devoted on having sex with him. Every time we got home, we'd it 4-5 times. This happened everyday. Because the other duchesses loved me, they told me that I was too crazy about sex. They brought me to the mall to go shopping so that I would stop thinking about Zac, it didn't work. Bridgette tried to guard me by staying at my house again but Zac came when she was already sleeping. We continued fucking each other. We would do it until 3 or sometimes 4 am. I couldn't get enough of his luscious lips, chiseled bod, enormous cock and his tasty cum. He also felt the same way about me. We were addicted to having sex with each other.
Chapter 4.2
My birthday was coming up. My mom and dad got me tickets to go to Paris with all of my friends. I was so happy. They booked us in the best 5 star hotel there is. I decided to let the duchesses and their boyfriends come. I also let Eunice, Catherine and Cody go. Cody's new girlfriend, my super close friend, Kaye came as well. I almost forgot my baby Zac. When we arrived in Paris, we found a limo waiting for us. The driver explained to us that after we placed all our luggages in the hotel, we'd have a tour around Paris, the city of love. In the limo, everyone sat next to his/her partner. Eunice and Catherine sat next to each other knowing that they were both the only single ones. Everyone was either kissing or cuddling. Cate was even giving Jedd a blowjob in front of everyone. Way to go Cate, you looked real classy! Zac and I agreed to stop our addiction. It was awkward to see couples doing naughty stuff to each other, while Zac and I were doing nothing. To break the ice, I talked to him. As we were taking, I was drawn to his super luscious lips as he licked it. Those wet and moist lips tempted me to lick them. Just one more lick and I am done for. As we stared at each other's eyes, we moved closer. I found myself leaning for a kiss. Thankfully, Catherine came up to me.
Cat: Hey Mon!
Me: Oh! Hi Catherine!
Thank you Cat, for cock blocking Zac! You are the real MVP.
Cat: Are you joining the show?
Me: I wanted to, but I don't have a partner.
Catherine: What about him?
Me: Oh no, he can't sing.
Zac: Excuse me, I do know how to sing, thank you very much.
Cat: But you also need to dance.
Zac: I have some amazing dance moves.
Me: Don't mind him Catherine.
Zac: We're performing together babe, even if it means I have to make a fool out of myself.
Me: Awwwe, how sweet of you. Okay, let's do it.
After the trip, we were gonna practice the song Love on top but before that, we still enjoyed my birthday celebration.We went mall hopping and food tripping. The girls and I even went to Paris fashion week while the boys did their own thing. After which, we regrouped at the love bridge. The love bridge is a bridge where you put locks on it with your name and your loved one's. You then throw the key to the river to signify everlasting love. Everyone did it, Catherine did it with Kaye and Eunice. Cody made a lock by himself. Lissa and Ronaldo also did it while cuddling. The others were just making out. Zac help my hand and looked at me sincerely.
Me: Zac...
Zac: Mon, I want to promise that I will always be with you no matter what happens. I want you to know that I trust you and that I love you. I fucking love you, I really do. I would die without you Mon. I hope you understand that. Thank you for ha e wonderful things you have done, I really appreciate it. I hope you love me too.
Me: Zac, you never fail to surprise me. Of course I love you. In fact, I really really really love you. I hope you will not be with anyone else, just me, because I believe that I am the perfect girl for you.
We wrote our names and locked our padlock. We stared at each other passionately as we moved closer. We kissed each other as we dropped the key together. We then stopped kissing and smiled. As everyone went back to the limo, I stayed to look at what Cody wrote on his lock. I was bothered because Cody wrote on his lock alone. I searched for his lock and when I finally found it, I was left speechless. It stated, " Cody and his everlasting love for Monica". I cried as I discovered that Cody was actually hurting all along. He was hurting because of me. He was hurting because he could see Zac and I together. I cried and cried, until I read Bridgette's lock which stated," Bridgette, Blake, Chlorella and Vitamin B, forever together." I ran going back to the limo. We then drove to the venue of my party, the Eiffel Tower. We partied all night long. We drank champagne and ate my one meteor chocolate cake. Zac told me he wanted to speak to me. He covered my eyes and carried me. After a few minutes, he put me down and removed the small blanket covering my eyes. I found myself on top of the Eiffel Tower. I saw a banner that read, "I love you Mon."
Zac: Thank you Mon, for being with me right now.
Zac suddenly bursted into tears.
Me: Oh Zac... I love you so much! Thank you!
He gave me a box and I opened it. Inside was a large diamond encrusted necklace. It was the one I always wanted since I was a little girl. I ran to him and kissed him as hard as I can.
-End of chapter 4-

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