Trip to the zoo

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Zoe's POV

I was woken up by the sound of something being thrown at the door. I'm guessing it was Lux with her toys as I could hear giggles from the main living room. I chuckled and got out of bed, thankfully without waking Harry, and opened the door to find Lux sat there in her onesie.

"So it was you throwing things at my door?" I asked, picking her up under her arms and placing her on my hip.

She nodded, fits of giggles erupting from her mouth. I laughed at her and walked into the kitchen, placing her on the counter top.

"Wheres mummy?" I asked her, looking around the room.

"In bedroom" lux said, pointing towards her room.

I nodded and started making some breakfast for the two of us. From the things I could find in the cupboards I managed to make some toast with chocolate spread on. I sliced it into smaller pieces for Lux and I stood in front of her, watching as she stuck a piece to her forehead.

"Lux it's meant to go in your mouth" I laughed, unsticking it and placing it in her mouth.

She shook her head and continued sticking her breakfast to her face until her skin was covered in chocolate spread. I shook my head at her threw away the bits of toast that had fallen on the floor.

"Your mums going to kill me" I mumbled, picking her up and carrying her to the bedroom where Lou was.

Taylor was in there as well and sat cross legged on the bed while Lou stood behind her, sorting out her hair. They turned around when Lux and I walked in and their mouths hung open.

"I tried making Lux breakfast" I said.

Lou laughed and shook her head. "I was going to give her a bath anyway, you can do it if you want Zo"

"Really?" I asked excitedly.

"Yeah, you've seen me doing it loads of times before" Lou said.

I thanked her and carried a very messy Lux through my room and into the bathroom. While I ran the bath Lux stripped off her clothes and ran around the bathroom, grabbing various shampoo bottles and passing them to me.

"Come on Lux, let's get you cleaned up" I said, lifting her into the bath and making sure she was sitting comfortably.

I squeezed some shampoo onto my hands and washed her hair, making sure no soap went in her eyes. This was the first time Lou had let me do this and I didn't want to mess it up. When I finished cleaning the chocolate off Lux's face I lifted her back out of the bath and placed her on the ground. I wrapped a towel around her and dried off her hair and body. I then grabbed a pull up and put it on her. I didn't have any of her clothes with me so I opened the bathroom door and before I could stop her she ran up to the bed and jumped onto it.

"HAZ!" She shouted.

Harry groaned and rolled over, pulling the pillow over his head.

Lux let out a whimper and within the space of a second she was full on crying.

"Lux, darling, it's okay I didn't mean it. I'm just a big meanie, don't cry baby" Harry cooed, sitting up and bringing Lux into his lap.

Lux was quickly content again and started playing with Harry's messy bed hair.

"Morning" I said, showing that I was in the room to.

Harry barely looked up at me and I sighed, making my way out of the room and into the living room.

I headed straight for the big window and looked over New York. I had been here a couple of times before but every time I came it was special, it made a difference to London. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and decided to call Liam, seeing as it would be around lunch time back in England. He answered quickly and I was met with his smiling face on the screen.

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