Hold on

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A/N- I would like to thank DerynStylesTomlinson who always leaves me really lovely long comments so thankyou so much! In future chapters I will still do shout outs!

Zoe's POV

"Your cousin suffered with severe blood loss. We conducted surgery on him but he is still currently unconscious and his chances of waking up are slim. I suggest that you come to the hospital now, so that you can say goodbye" the doctor said solemnly.

"What? No, he is going to wake up" I said. "Don't say we need to say goodbye"

I was about to say more but Liam took the phone back off me and spoke to the doctor himself. When he finished he put down the phone and squatted in front of me, holding my hands in his.

"Now Zoe. Elliot's very ill and not in a good position right now" he started. "Do you think he'd want you to say goodbye to him if you got the chance?"

I nodded my head.

"So shall we go to the hospital now?" He asked.

"Yes please" I whispered.

"Are you boys coming?" Liam asked, standing up and still holding my hand.

"We'll come round later" Louis said, realising that I would probably want to see Elliot alone.

"Okay, cmon then Zo" Liam said and we walked out to the car after putting shoes and coats on.

The drive to the hospital wasn't to long and soon enough we were pulling into the car park. We got out and Liam locked the car. We asked for Elliot's room number at the reception desk and she gave it to us after checking that I was related to him.

As Liam and I walked down the corridors Liam said something that made me worry even more.

"I don't want you to be shocked when you walk in but Elliot it going to look very ill. Lots of machines and wires" Liam hugged me and kissed my head. "I'll be right outside if you need me darling"

I nodded nervously and turned around, putting my hand on the door handle. I pushed it open and walked inside, closing it carefully behind me.

I turned around from shutting the door and gasped. Elliot had a large bandage on his shoulder with a drip coming out of it and he had a breathing tube around his nose. He had various other bits of monitoring equipment and my eyes flashed to where the heart monitor was.

I sat down in a chair beside his bed and took his cold hand in mine.

"I don't know if you can hear me Elliot" I said, feeling a bit weird for talking to someone that couldn't respond. "But I want you to know that I love you so much and I couldn't bare it if you died. I need to know that you are safe, that my father didn't kill you"

A tear slipped down my cheek but I quickly wiped it away.

"You're an amazing and kind person. You helped me get back to my brothers but truth is, you were like a brother to me the whole time I was out there, and you are still one now" I sniffed and stood up, pushing his hair away form his face and kissing his forehead. "Please hold on, if you can. But if you really need to go, then you can. And I'll be here by your side to make sure you're not alone"

I sat back down and held onto his hand for a while when the bleeping of the heart monitor quickened and eventually turned into one long beep. My heart dropped and tears flooded down my face.

I kissed his cheek one more time and walked outside, Liam stood up straight away.

"He's gone" I whispered.

"Oh Zoe, come here babe" he said, wrapping me in a hug.

Something from the heart machine must have alerted the doctors because they immediately came rushing down the corridor and into Elliot's room, closing the door behind them.

I sobbed louder and Liam rubbed by back.

"Sh Zo, you're okay. Elliot's not hurting anymore" Liam shushed me and rocked me slightly. "At least you got to say goodbye yeah?"

"I didn't want him to go" I cried into Liam chest.

"Neither did we, we never even got to meet him" Liam sighed. "Shall we go home?"

I nodded slowly and together we walked back outside to the car. I didn't say a word on the way home. It was difficult to describe but I felt empty, there was a aching feeling in my chest and tears wouldn't stop flowing.

I hadn't even realised we were at the house until Liam pulled open my car door.

"Cmon Zo, we're here" he said softly, rubbing my shoulder.

I sighed, unbuckled my seatbelt and followed Liam up to the house. The door was open so he just pushed it but when we got inside he locked it again.

Instead of greeting the boys I walked straight upstairs, my face expressionless.

"What's happened?" Niall asked worriedly.

I looked back and saw Liam motion them into the living room. All of the boys followed him and I carried on walking until I reached my bedroom. I fell onto my bed and laid on the side closest to the wall.

"I love you Elliot. I'll never forget you...never" I whispered.

About half an hour later I heard footsteps outside my door and it creaked open. Harry looked around the door and saw my open eyes.

"Hey Zo, how're you?" He asked, walking over to me.

"Not great" I said.

"Okay, I can leave if you want me to" he said, starting to walk back towards the door but I grabbed his hand.

"Please stay" I asked softly.

He smiled slightly and nodded before lying down next to me on the bed. He reached for my hand and held it tightly.

"You'll be okay Zo" he said softly. "You just need to hurt for a bit until you feel happy again"

Doctors POV

I looked on as a nurse and doctor started unhooking the young lad from the equipment. As horrible as it sounded I was getting used to witnessing things like this but the way that girl had spoken to me on the phone, he must have meant a lot to her.

"We need to save this boy" I made the others stop. "I need to save him if it's the last thing I do"

A/N- I'd just like to thank anyone who has read my first book which just reached 10k! I never thought I would get that many reads, you guys are amazing! Recently I have been updating twice a day but that was because I had a bit of time off school but I am back at school now and hoping to update at least once a day. Comment what you thought on the chapter, any ideas? 7 comments and 7 votes for the next chapter?

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