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A/N- could all you guys do me a favour and at the end comment literally just a word so I know how many active readers I've got? It would be great if you guys could do that for me. I hope you enjoy the chapter :)

Zoe's POV

The next morning I woke up and got ready for school as usual. I packed my football kit into a duffel bag and slung it over my shoulder after I put my back pack on. I grabbed a cereal bar from the cupboard and headed out the house, making sure the door was shut behind me.

When I got to school I went straight to tutor where Sandra was sat, doodling over a table.

"Hey, how're you?" I asked, sitting down next to her.

"I'm good" she nodded and put her pencil back in her bag. "What happened to you yesterday? You went to the toilet and never came back"

"It's a long story" I mumbled.

"I've got time, I'm only thirteen" Sandra said and I laughed.

I explained to her what had happened and her mouth dropped open. I nodded sadly and the rest of the class started to pile in so I decided it was best to stop talking about that subject, I didn't want everyone in the class knowing about it.

The day wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Sandra entertained the whole class in a lesson when she threw an apple core at the teacher and asked the teacher to give ten reasons why we would need this in the future. The teacher was lost for words and Sandra looked proud of herself. Well she was proud until the teacher gave her a half hour detention after school.

"It was worth it" Sandra shrugged as we packed away our things.

"Yeah it was, I was about to fall asleep that teacher was so boring. Her face when you threw that apple core at her" I laughed and realised that I needed to meet the coach to go to the football match.

"I've got to go, see you tomorrow" I called as I left the classroom.

"Bye! Good luck with the match" Sandra called after me.

I headed straight for the changing rooms where the other girls were getting ready. I changed into my shorts, shin pads, long socks and long sleeved football jersey. I carried my football boots outside to the bus which was going to take us to the football ground.

When we were all on the bus and seated coach decided it was time for a team talk.

"Right, today we are playing two of the best teams in our area. No pressure but none of our school football teams have ever beaten them" he said.

"Yeah there's sure no pressure there coach" one of the girls, Abbie, said.

"Anyway" he gave Abbie a look. "I'm sure you'll be able to do it. Practise has been looking promising and I reckon if you really try your hardest you'll be able to pull it off. You only need to win one of the matches in order to move onto the next round"

"What happens if we don't win either?" I asked.

"Then we go down and have to play a couple of matches in the lower devisions. If we win all of those then we will be able to move back up but that would be a long and hard way to get there. Just try your best girls, I know you can do it" he said and we all nodded.

Once we arrived we dropped our bags at our allocated section and Abbie and I decided to do a bit of exploring of the area. We walked over to where one of the teams we were playing was already playing a team. We watched on, their talent over whelming us.

"Well we're screwed, might as well go home now" Abbie shrugged and started to walk away.

"Cmon, let's just watch. We might be able to pick out their weaknesses" I said.

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