Aunt Sylvia

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A/N- above is a picture of aunt Sylvia. I know this is actually Drew Barrymore but that has no connection to the story. She just had the right look for Zoe's aunt. Hope you enjoy the chapter!

Zoe's POV

Right now the boys and I were sat nervously in Liam's living room waiting for my aunt Sylvia to arrive. She had called late last night telling Liam that she was coming to get me. I don't know if she knew the boys had legal guardianship over me or how she even knew Liam's phone number. But she was coming, no explanation. Nothing. The girlfriends, Lou and Lux had left, deciding it was best to get out of the way.

Liam was pacing up and down the living room nervously while I sat between Harry and Niall on the sofa, squeezing their hands tightly. Zayn was stood by the window, looking out for a car and Louis was sat on the other sofa, just staring into space.

"She's here" Zayn said.

None of us said anything so he went to the door himself. He waited for her to ring the bell before pulling it open with a very fake smile.

"Hello, you must be Sylivia" he said, holding out his hand. "I'm Zayn. Zoe's brother and guardian"

"I am yes. It's nice to meet you" Sylvia said politely, shaking his hand.

Zayn stepped aside so that she could walk in. He directed her to the living room where all of us stood up. Aunt Sylvia had longish blonde wavy hair and her skin was quite tanned, probably an affect of living in Italy. She was quite tall but the boys had a bit of height over her.

"Hello Zoe" she said, smiling warmly at me.

"Hi" I said nervously.

"Go say hello properly babe" Niall whispered in my ear, pushing me forwards slightly.

I walked towards my aunt and she opened her arms for a hug. I hugged her and strangely it was nice. Like a very motherly hug that I never got. But I had to remember that she was here to take me away from the boys. And I didn't want that.

"We've got a lot of talking to do" she said, a bit more serious now.

I nodded and motioned her to sit on the other sofa. I sat back down in between Niall and Harry, Harry put a hand on my knee and squeezed it slightly.

"Can I get you anything to drink?" Liam offered.

"Tea please, bit of milk, no sugar" she said. "Thankyou"

He nodded and disappeared into the kitchen and I looked back to aunt Sylvia who was staring at me, a small smile on her face.

"You look so much like your mother" she said finally.

"Really?" I asked, I couldn't really remember her that well, I never saw her when she was alive really.

"Yeah" she smiled. "I should have done something when she died. I should've done something to help you, help get out of that house"

"You knew?" I asked in disbelief. "You knew about my father?"

"I knew, yes. But I knew I wouldn't have access to you. I went to the police, but I didn't have sufficient evidence for them to do a house search"

I nodded, understanding. Anyway, she would have put herself in danger if she tried to go into the house.

Liam came back into the room with a tray. It had a cup of tea on it and also some documents which were obviously about my adoption and what rights they had.

"Okay, so you want Zoe to come with you? Do you know we have legal guardianship over her?" Liam started, having to clench his fist slightly in anger.

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