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Zoe's POV

On Saturday morning I had been with Sylvia's family for five days. I missed the boys more than anything now and although Elliot was sweet and caring, I just wanted to go home. Elliot had leant me his phone a couple of times and I had spoken to the boys about how they were getting on with the case but they still hadn't managed to find any evidence against Sylvia.

I was woke up early on Saturday morning and decided I needed a drink so I got out of bed and crept downstairs. There was a small amount of light coming from outside and in the kitchen I could make out the form of a shadow. My breath hitched in my throat and I walked back up a couple of steps.

"I said I'd give you the money when I get it" aunt Sylvia's voice sounded. She must have been on the phone.

I quickly grabbed Elliot phone from my pocket and started a video to record what she was saying. He had let me have his phone last night because I was texting the boys and we were having a long conversation.

"Look, you're a judge, you're not exactly short of money are you?" She snapped.

She was speaking to a judge?

"Look I'm going to pay you for taking my side don't worry. Those stupid boys think that they can win over me, no way. It's great having another child around the house, I don't have to do anything now" she laughed.

So that's why she wanted me. Just so I could do chores for her. I wonder if her other kids knew about this.

"And no one will find out about this will they?" She asked. "Because if they do, I'll be put in prison"

Shame that people were going to find out about this wasn't it.

"Okay, thankyou, yeah I'll pay you soon. Bye" she hung up the phone and looked towards the stairs where I was crouched.

My heart pounded in my chest as she started coming towards me but to my luck the phone started ringing again and she turned around.

I quickly ran upstairs and knocked on Elliot's door.

"What?" He asked sleepily from inside.

"It's important, can I come in?" I asked.

"Fine but I'm not getting up" he said.

I chuckled half heartedly and opened his door. He was cocooned in his duvet but had his eyes open. He propped himself up on one elbow and motioned for me to sit on his desk chair.

"So what's so important" he yawned.

"This" I said, handing him his phone.

He pressed play and listened to the conversation. When it finished his reaction surprised me. He was upset, not crying, but he wasn't smiling.

"That's great Zo" he said sadly.

"What's wrong? This is the evidence we need against her" I said excitedly.

"You'll go home" he said.

"I thought that was what you were helping me to do" I said confused.

"I want you to be happy and I want you to go back to your brothers. But I'll miss you, you're like a sister to me, and I don't want you to leave me" he said, looking down like he was embarrassed.

"Elliot..." My heart swelled from the thought of him caring about me that much. "I need to go back to my brothers, I can't just stay here. I don't want to leave you either, but I have to go. We can keep in contact if you want to, and you could some and visit"

"It won't be the same. I'll just be stuck here on my own" he said, playing with his duvet.

"I thought you had loads of friends here? You seem to be pretty popular at school" I pointed out.

"Yeah but those friends are all going straight to university's in the city, and that's not what I want to do at the moment. I want to travel a bit like I told you" he said.

"You could come and live with us for a bit until you get yourself together and then you could travel" I suggested.

"Really?" He asked, his whole face lighting up.

"Well I'd have to ask the boys but I'm sure they wouldn't mind" I said.

"Thank you thank you thank you" he grinned and hugged me tightly.

"No problem, it's the least I could do for you. Seeing as I would never be able to get back to the boys without your help" I said.

He smiled and handed me back his phone so I could send the video to the boys.

About ten minutes later we got a call and I was hoping it was one of the boys with some news on what was happening.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Zoe, it's Liam. We've given the video to the lawyer and he reviewed it..."

"And...what's happening?" I asked nervously.

"Your aunt is going to prison for injustice in the court or something like that! Zoe...you're coming home" Liam said, his voice cracking a bit at the end.

"When? Can I come home now? I want to see you" I said.

"Well we need to wait for your aunts trial which will be in about three days time and you can then come back to us, but at the moment she is still your legal guardian. Stupid I know but it's how it works" Liam sighed. "We'll keep you updated on everything that happens though"

"And Liam, could I ask a favour?" I asked.


"I was wondering, you know Elliot?"

"Yes, your cousin" Liam said.

"Yeah, well. I was wondering. Since he's pretty much finished school. Well he wants to travel and all his friends are moving away so. Well, I was wondering if he could live with us for a bit, until he gets himself organised" I asked hopefully.

"Of course! Well, all of this is down to him. Without this phone we wouldn't have been able to contact you and get that evidence. Thank him and tell him he can stay as long as he likes" Liam said.

"Thank you Liam. I love you"

"I love you to Zoe, very very much" he said.

The door suddenly burst open and aunt Sylvia stood in the doorway fuming.

"Why are you on the phone to that stupid brother of yours?" She shouted, grabbing the phone and throwing it at the wall.


"What have I said about talking back to me!" She shouted.

She slapped me hard across the cheek.

A/N- hello people! You guys are really good at this commenting and voting thing! I do read and love every comments so please keep doing it. 5 comments and 6 votes for the next chapter?

             Question for you guys: what's your favourite One Direction song? It can be from any of their albums.
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