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A/N- shoutout to Pratyakshi1920 who gave me the idea for this chapter and who I am now following.

Zoe's POV

Elliot soon came home and loved the house. His room was opposite mine and was in a navy blue colour with a big double bed. There was a dark wood desk and shelves as well as some speakers.

He still hadn't stopped thanking the boys even a week later and whenever he started to thank them I was given permission to shove a marshmallow in his mouth. I kept a packet with me at all times.

We were all sitting eating breakfast one morning when Harry brought up an idea.

"Why don't we go camping this evening?" He suggested.

"Good idea, why not" Liam agreed.

"Yup sounds good" the rest of us nodded our heads.

"Okay cool, we'll camp in the woods near by, there's a tent and stuff in the garage" Harry said.

"By the way when am I going back to school? I swear it's illegal to keep a child out of school" I asked curiously.

"It is illegal yes. But we got you special permission because of what happened with your aunt. You go back on Monday" Liam informed me.

"But it's already Friday" I groaned.

"Most kids spend basically their entire lives at school, be grateful you get time off all the time" Zayn laughed and ruffled my hair before standing up and putting his bowl on the side.

I finished up my breakfast and walked upstairs, just about hearing Liam shout that we were leaving in half an hour.

I got to my room and started to pack. I grabbed a backpack from my cupboard and put in some warmer clothes, knowing it would be freezing by the time night fell. I packed my phone as well just in case and zipped up the bag. I collected a sleeping bag from the pile Liam had got down from the attic and attached it to my backpack with some straps. I was all set and placed my backpack by the front door.

I got bored of waiting after twenty minutes and went upstairs to see how close the other boys were to being ready. I walked into Zayn's room first and he was in complete panic mode.

"I have no idea what to wear!" He shouted in panic, throwing clothes out of his warderobe.

"Zayn we're going camping, not to auditions to be on the cover of Vogue" I said.

"What if the paps find us?" He asked.

"Yes. The paparazzi are going to find us in the woods, in the middle of no where when we haven't told anyone that we are going camping" I said sarcastically.

"I think you're right" I admitted, grabbing some random clothes and shoving them into his backpack.

"You're welcome" I said and walked back out the room while shaking my head.

I bumped into Niall on my way back downstairs. He was carrying a giant teddy bear.

"Hey Zo! You okay, you look confused?" He asked, trying to balance his back pack, sleeping bag and teddy bear in his arms.

"I'd just like to know why you've got a giant teddy bear" I said.

"To protect me from the bears of course" he said like I was dim.

"You're bringing a fake bear, to protect you from real bears?" I said, giving him a confused look.

"Exactly" he said, bopping me on the nose with his finger.

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