The Trial

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A/N- the trial in this is not accurate and I don't think any of it is actually true but it's a fanFICTION. Which means we must imagine...

Zoe's POV

Liam's alarm clock on his phone woke us all up the next morning. My eyes opened and I immediately squinted at the light coming through the curtain.

"'s the day" Harry said thoughtfully.

"You never know. Things might go your way" I said.

"Don't get your hopes up Zo" Zayn ruffled my hair before climbing out of bed and heading towards the bathroom.

I sighed and watched as the other boys apart from Liam left the room as well. He was sat on the end of the bed looking down at his lap. I noticed as a couple of tears dripped from his eyes but he was quick to wipe them away.

I climbed to the end of the bed and sat down next to him, putting an arm around his shoulders.

"Don't cry" I said, rubbing his back.

"How can I not, you're leaving" he sniffed and still didn't look at me.

"You don't know that yet" I said.

"Yeah, sure" he said. "I'm just scared that we're never going to see each other again, and that one day we'll just be those people who looked after you when you were younger"

"How can I forget people like you boys? You've been so nice to me. And even if I do leave with aunt what's her face then I'll still keep in contact. Because I can't live without you. Liam you've been like a dad to me. I know we all say you're my brother but really you've been more of a dad. And I love you for that, because I've never had a dad that cared about me, before you" I said.

He finally looked up at me and I could see a very faint smile on his face.

"Really?" I'm like a dad?" He asked hopefully.

"Yes, I'm sure. Can't you remember that essay I wrote when I was in that boarding school?" I said, making him nod his head.

"But that was a long time ago. I thought you would have forgotten about that" he explained.

"How could I forget something like that?"

"True. You never should have gone away in the first place, that's what makes me angry. When people don't think about other people's feelings, what other people might want. Like your stupid aunt" he punched the mattress.

"I don't know why she wants me when she's got three children of her own" I said.

"The description selfish greedy bitch springs to mind" Liam chuckled.

"Can't disagree with that" I said.

Liam looked me straight in the eye.

"I love you Zoe. And I always will, even if in twenty years time you're not with us and we haven't seen you. I will always love you" he said, pulling me into a hug.

"I'll never forget you or what you did for me. I love you Liam" I said.

He hugged me tighter and we stayed like that until one of the boys shouted the the bathroom was free.

Liam pulled away from the hug and kissed me on my forehead before standing up and leaving the room.

I sighed and fell backwards into the bed. Why did life have to be so complicated? I decided that laying in the bed doing nothing was not going to hell anything so I stood up and started choosing something to wear to the court trial. I had never been to court before so I had no idea what to pick.

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