Locked away

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A/N- credit for the ideas in this chapter go to HaileyJJSprack and DerynStylesTomlinson so thankyou very much both of you!

Zoe's POV

"GET AWAY FROM HER!" Elliot shouted, pushing Sylvia out of the doorway.

My heart stopped as she pulled out a gun.

"Now. You do as I say or you'll both be dead" she said slowly. "Walk down to the cellar. Slowly. That's where you'll be living, for a long while" she said.

"YOU BITCH!" Elliot for ready to punch her again but she took the safety switch off.

"I'm not scared to shoot" she said, to calm for this situation. "Now walk"

Elliot grabbed my shaking hand in his and we walked downstairs. I didn't have it as bad as Elliot, he was the one with a gun pressed to the back of his head the whole time.

"Now get in the cellar" she said.

"But it's cold" I said.

"I don't care to be honest. It will keep you quiet when you freeze to death" she said.

"Please..." I said.

"I don't want your sobbing, get in" she said, giving us a shove.

I would have fallen over but Elliot caught me and put an arm around my shoulders.

"You won't get away with this" he said confidently.

"Oh yeah? I think I just did" and she slammed the cellar door shut.

Elliot and I stayed in silence as we watched the door, like we were hoping it would just open and we would be safe.

Sylvia's POV

Those stupid children, thinking they could get round me.

I was Zoe's aunt, yes. But I wasn't her mums sister, I was her dads. And I will help finish my brothers work, I will make sure he kills that child and I will kill anyone else who gets in his way, even if that is my own son. Because my brother is still alive, he's just hiding. Hiding until the time is right.

Zoe's POV

"What are we going to do?" I whispered, scared that Sylvia was still behind the door.

"I don't know" Elliot said angrily, not bothering to be quiet.

"She won't get away with it will she" I asked, tears pricking in my eyes.

"I hope not Zoe, but I will do everything to get us out of here" he said.

"Why do I always end up in situations like this?" I asked.

"Unlucky I guess" Elliot smiled sympathetically. "Cmon, we need to keep warm while I think of a plan"

He led me over to a dirty blanket that was in the corner of the room.

"I'm sorry but this is all we've got" he said.

We sat down on the floor and he put it over us. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and I leant my my head into his chest, letting each others warmth warm each other.

Liam's POV

I was confused when Zoe suddenly hung up on me. And I was pretty sure I could hear shouting in the background and then a slap.

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