Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 - Julliard

Luna laughed, wiping fake tears that formed in her eyes from laughing. He was making her laugh too much that it pains her. "Stop fucking with me, Haj." She states while holding the table for support.

"I am serious, Luna." He growled out the words.

Luna stared, watching his eyes swivel from gold to blue but she didn't care. "You're here to observe the way my pack behaves so we can solidify an alliance." She calmly responds. "But seeing as this talk is completely pointless, I politely asks you to go."

"The New moon is nearing, Luna. It only means the mating ball is nearing too, and when that happens I will fucking mark you as mine." He taunts, and it made her ears strain and eyes widen.

"Haj," she warns but he didn't listen.

"You had rejected me for three times already!" He slammed a hand onto the wooden table. "I will not take no as an answer for the fourth time. If force is needed then force is what I shall use." He growls out his words but Luna didn't seemed faze at all through his outburst. He was towering over her figure that lay seated onto the wooden chair.

"What's your goal in all of this?"

"I chose you five years ago but you rejected my offer! You were so scared to lose Lunacanthropy because that was the rule given to you. Choose a mate and say bye bye to Lunacanthropy, am I right?" He taunts while leaning further until their noses touched. He was having a hard with the human in front of him. He wanted her so bad. "How dare you decline my offer when in the first place no one wants you but me."

His words were like daggers to her heart. She admits that male shifters ignore her for she lacks everything they have-the looks, the strength, and wolf, but it didn't mean those things will make her cower back in the dark. "I need not a man by my side, and you know that. I've dedicated my life to Lunacanthropy and I am not losing this because of a selfish man!" She exclaims right at his face. "I have ruled for eight years now, I'm not planning to let this go any sooner."

Haj leaned back, seating himself upright opposite the woman he desires the most. Oh, how he wishes to ravish her whole being. "Are you succeeding? You are still weak, an eye sore to the council and to the whole werewolf race."

"We may be a pack of 32 but I sure earned my way near the top to be where the hell I am right now." She defended, clenching her fists. Her barriers wavering. "If you're done talking you may now go with your filthy mouth." She abruptly stood up, walking towards the door.

Alpha Haj started shaking. He started phasing into his wolf and no one can stop him. There was no way in hell he's leaving this place without a Luna when he gets back home to his pack. Luna paid no attention to the male shifter who's nearing the last end of his shifting. He's still fighting for control. The men barged in upon feeling their Alpha's rage in their link, they watched their alpha morphed into a rabid beast but they could do nothing but stare.

Alpha Haj saw his chosen mate walking away from him and it angered him, he quickly lunged for his prey but what he didn't expect was the thirty two female shifters that jumped over Luna to protect her. They growled in anger, encasing their Alpha in the middle, serving as a barrier. The men were about to shift when Luna hold up a hand. "You're in my territory, mutts. Don't you dare phase into a wolf." She threatens, and the men took a step back, disobeying an Alpha is against the law. She turn towards Alpha Haj. "You maybe an Alpha but my girls are stronger." The wolves growled in agreement, saliva dripping from their bared canines; they will follow no alpha but Luna, it was already carved into their souls the very moment they became a part of Lunacanthropy. They were trained for battles like this; to protect the only woman they looked up to and considered as their mother wolf. "Shift, and we'll have no problem." With a howl submission mixed with disappointment, Haj shifted back. His naked glory shown to everyone, but the girls stayed rooted to their spots, canines still bared. "I will attend the fucking ball and I will make sure this fucking neck of mine will still be bare. Now get out of my territory, Haj. And don't you dare step a fucking foot on it." She threatens. "Again."

"I'll have you no matter what, Luna. And I'll fucking wait for it." Then he was gone, together with his four men who shifted after him. They strolled into the night with disappointments hanging on their shoulders.


Lisette lend a comforting hand on Luna's shoulder. They are now seated in the kitchen, the earlier disaster was long gone, but questions arose among some othe pack members who do not know, especially, Michelle. Lisette was one of the first few members of Lunacanthropy, she witnessed everything; from its downfall to its greatest achievement. She was there, watching, and she is here once again, watching her Alpha explain everything to the girls.

Whispers erupted inside the living room; the new members were making a commotion but the old ones stayed in the shadows. They all waited for the only person who could stop this uproar. "Silence," everyone shut their mouth upon hearing Luna's booming voice. She may be human but she still has alpha blood in her bloodstreams.

She walked towards the couch, followed by her beta. Once sitted, she heaved out a sigh. Mich stood a foot away from her. "Alpha Haj was my suitor when I was still the beta of this pack." She explains. "She had asked for my hand for the first time, five years ago but I declined. He was too stubborn, and this is his fourth time in failing for his attempt to persuade me." She started. "He is one of the ambassadors in the council, the ones who gave me my limitation in running this pack."

"Which was?" All heads turn towards Mich. She was attentively listening but questions inside her head arose more.

Luna offered a smile as she maintained eye contact. "I was afraid to lose you all; if a male shifter will mark me as his, Lunacanthropy will turn into nothing but ashes." She then turn towards the pack. "Back when I was just starting, I was always the talk of the werewolf race, till now I guess." She jokes, trying to ease the tension, and somehow it worked. Some laughed while the others chuckled. "As I was saying, the council wanted me gone because they think I will put them in danger if I lead. They did everything to put me down but I fought back, when they were too tired losing they made me a deal." She let her eyes linger to her old and loyal member; her eyes drifting to Lisette. "Once a man marks me, I will be forced to live under his care while they burn my territory and everything into ashes."

Mich listened to every word but she feels as if there was something she's not saying so she spoke up once again. "What will happen to us?"

Luna heaved out a deep sigh as she closes her eyes for a moment, maintaining eye contact with everyone. "You will all be forced to live the life of a rouge and be branded as a goner."

Everyone spewed out their distaste in their current situation, everyone was talking all at once not taking the situation smoothly. One raised her hand for a question, and surprisingly the hand belonged to Mich, everyone hushed. "The mating season is nearing and Alpha Haj promised to make you his, how will you prevent it?"

Luna's eyes found Mich's. They lingered over her physique for a moment. She was hugging herself like she was protecting herself from everyone in the living room. It brings back memories when Mich was found loitering in the woods all alone. "I have ruled for eight years now." She replied. "What makes you think I can't do it for another year?"

Everyone doubted the girl before them. Would they risks their lives in danger for their Alpha until the end? "Give us one reason why we should risk our lives for this?" someone spoke up, as they all turn their heads towards the owner. Charlotte asks as she stared down her alpha. "If we stayed we will be putting our lives in danger."

Luna's cheek twitched as she stared back. "Risk this for me because I risked everything for all of you." She then stood up, patting her numbing legs. "I risked my life; I could've lived as a human in the human world but I didn't, you want to know why? Because I risked my life saving all of you when you were all a minute away from death. I want your full trust in me. Can you give me that?"


Revised Version.

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