Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 - Run

People began dispersing an hour earlier than intended; some people stayed and lingered for most of them are mated whilst the unmated ones prepare for the mating games that will happen at dawn. Luna, despite being unmated, lingered more, waiting to get a hold of her best friend and his mate. The haze was still evident between her eyes and she was still tripping on her own feet but she managed to plaster a fake smile for fake people walking past her disgruntled state. "People should mind their own fucking business." She growled lowly upon hearing a male wolf whisper to his mate, "Alpha Luna should at least be presentable! She is a disgrace in our community." At least he acknowledged her title even though with disdain, it was something.

"Luna?" She spun around upon hearing her name roll off of Draco's tongue.

"Draco!" She mewled with the utmost enthusiasm, throwing her arms around her best friend, completely missing the way her best friend's mate looked at her fondly. "I missed you!"

The man chuckled lowly, sensing the strong alcohol in his best friend's system. "Luna, behave." He mused, holding her by the waist, letting her stand on her own feet.

"I like her." His mate whispered in his ear, showing a genuine smile for sincerity. "I wonder why people despise her."

Draco gave him a pointed look. "You know well why," He rolled his eyes at him before squaring his attention at her friend. "You have to stand properly, Luna!" He grunted in annoyance. "How will you attend the mating games when you're completely intoxicated?"

Luna only beamed at him, flailing her arms. "I don't give a flying fu-" Before she can finish her vulgar words, both Draco and his mate dragged her to a private room.

"Are you insane?" Draco asks with fear for his friend. "Saying vulgar words in public will not help your case, Luna." He reminded.

Luna slumped against a chair, letting herself sink into the soft mattress. "That is so unfair. When a random wolf curses it's okay but when I do it, it's not."

Draco sighed. "It's not like that."

Luna was about to retort when an agonizing pain shot through her head, making her recoil backwards onto the seat. "Ow-!" She exclaims, holding her head in her both hands.

"Luna?" Draco asks warily, patting her back.

Luna gritted her teeth as she bravely stood up abruptly, making her head spin as she stagger backwards. "I-I'm fine." She snapped, making eye-contact with his best friend.

"Doesn't seem like it." Draco mused with an arched brow, challenging her.

When another pain hit her she was at lost for words, unable to make any coherent words. "I-hold-fuck!"

Draco and his mate, Huns, made an attempt to help and somewhat comfort the Alpha in dilemma but she suddenly put her hands up with her lids close. "I'm sorry, Draco. Enjoy your night with Huns. I need to leave." She stuttered out, not waiting for a response as she vacate, leaving a heavy feeling in her wake.


The mating game had started, and the rules were simple. Hide no matter what but when a wolf claims you, you both come back. Wolves wear different shirts to distinguish their rankings. Red symbolizes fire and power so it belongs to alpha males, Blue symbolizes peace and the sky so it belongs to alpha females, Green symbolizes war and nature so it belongs to Deltas, Orange symbolizes the next in line so it belongs to Betas, and the other wolves with low rankings wear white.

Luna was stupid enough to wear a white shirt whilst hiding underneath a tunnel. The Mating Game had started an hour ago wherein they were given half an hour to hide—both male and females, but when the clock strikes three, the hunting begins. They are in a world where females and males have the same opportunities but the only thing that separates them among the rest is the rankings; equity. Females can hunt down their preys as well as the males and they were all given equal chances. Luna knows that some low ranks want to claim her as theirs for the purpose of bringing her pack down then eventually killing her; other high ranking wolves and the people from pack law are behind this, obviously wanting to rid her everything, so it's better safe than sorry.

The excruciating pain of her migraine did nothing to help her case as continuous moans erupted from her lips which were caged inside her palms to muffle the sounds. She couldn't wait to reach five in the morning so she could go back to her pack and ease their worries. She had done this for five years and she had successfully lived through, and this year she hopes to.

Her peace was cut off short by a loud growl from the right as her hair stands rigid at the back of her head and on both her arms and legs.

"Flying fuck."


Colton could feel his wolf resurfacing, determined to find the she-wolf that has been playing with his strings. The bond was getting stronger and stronger the moment he placed a foot in the field. He has been searching for his potential mate for years and found none that will suit him and his beast. Now is his first time experiencing this strong pull making his wolf crazy, wanting to shift. The rules clearly indicated no shifting unless you have found and claimed your potential mate, so he was trying his hard to regain control.

Some she-wolves tried claiming him without a bond but he did everything to lose them without laying a hand on them as he followed his instincts. He had heard stories from both his aunts and uncles but what he's feeling right now is more than the things they described to him. He's going mad and restless; the beast inside of him wanting to be let out to devour his mate tonight so he's hellbent on finding her before things get out of hand.


"Get away from me, Haj." Luna warned, standing tall and proud.

"Did you really think I wouldn't find you if you wear a fucking white tee? Not on my watch, darling." Alpha Haj is actually handsome and all, but they do not have the bond a potential mate should have and it could make things bad for the both of them, plus Lunacanthropy would be burned down into ashes if someone claim her as theirs.

"Leave me the fuck alone, Haj." She warned again. "Because I sure as hell can put up a good fight before you can sink your teeth into this bare neck of mine."

A sudden shrill coming from the speakers made every hunter for the night stop dead in their tracks, listening. "Attention! You only have Twenty more minutes before the Mating Game stops. Make it last!"

Haj leaned forward with a sly grin. "I won't go easy on you, especially since I've waited five years to get to this fucking moment." He cracked his head to the side as well as his knuckles as he tilt his head to the right. "I wonder how I was able to find you today since I couldn't way back then." Little did Luna know the migraine she was having was the medium that helped Haj find her and as well as the other male still out there looking for her. "Well, who cares right now? I'll have you as my queen."

Luna sneered at him as she stood in a fighting stance. "Come fucking get me." Haj ran at full speed, knocking them both to the ground since Luna wasn't actually prepared for his incredible speed and the migraine that was eating at her brain, but like she said she would definitely put up a fight as she lock his arms with her own, banging his thick skull with hers. She groaned loudly as she took staggering step backs. That was so wrong in so many ways. Haj caught onto her inner dilemma as he lunged for her again. He pinned her body against a tree bark, holding up her hands, glowering down at her. His hunger for the female wolf underneath him increasing tenfold. "Easy, tiger." He roared back, playfully nipping at her neck.

Luna used his weight on her arms as leverage, pulling her body upwards as she kicked him forcefully between his legs, and when his hold on her loosen, she drove her fist into his face but he was faster. He locked her closed fist behind her back as he pushes himself behind her and against the same tree. "You fucking intrigue me to no end, Luna." He breathes out, kissing the nape of her head with a groan. "That's why I want you more and more each day. I may not have a bond with you like potential mates should have but I don't care because I want you more than anything in this world." He growls out.

Luna moved side to side, wanting to be let free but there are no more spaces for her as of the moment. She needs to prolong his motives for there are only ten minutes on the clock before it strikes five. She was about to bang his head again when he suddenly moved to the right aiming for her neck, as he clamp his mouth around her delicate skin. Haj hummed, as he let his tongue roam the softness of her neck, leaving open-mouthed kisses in it's wake. "Finally."

All Luna could do was curse, "Fuck." when Haj's teeth elongated, quickly piercing through and creating a forced bond with her.


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