Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 - Michelle

It has been one week and Luna had gained Haj's trust and affection. All she needed to do is open her legs and he was there to give her what she needs. She's been bottling up all the energy she needs with only minimal movements to preserve her strength, and she knew very well when will be the right moment to use it. Luna was inside his office, her legs apart on top of his table while Haj was pressed against her shaking body. Their body moved in sync as he thrusted inside her roughly yet passionately as if it was his first time mating with her. He could never get enough of how her soft muscles would wrap around his member whenever he was inside. It was as if it was calling for him to fuck her senseless until she could no longer walk. "Fuck—!" Haj cursed out as he reached his climax right after Luna reached hers. He leant his head against her shoulders whilst cradling her body, dragging it towards him as they both sat on the swivel chair behind the desk. When Luna tried getting off he only pushed her body against him—eliciting a soft moan from her for he was still inside her, hard once again. "Don't move." He softly whispered against her ear whilst caressing her soft black locks.

"You have a meeting later, Haj." Luna whispered back, completely resting her body against his as they both catch their breath. "The women downstairs need you for a she-wolf just lost her baby against a rouge and they don't know how to tame her." She added.

Haj only chuckled in response teasing her as he slightly moved his hips upward, eliciting a response once again from his frail mate. "The only taming that needs to be done is when you will finally have the courage to mark me." He joked but there was an underlying tone to his words. He was restless and the only thing that could satiate temporarily his endless hunger is to mate with Luna all the time, but he knew that he shouldn't be with her every second of the day for he was needed downstairs to tend to the needs of their pack. It's known that when a wolf marks their mate, they need to mark them in return to complete the bond for when only one wolf was marked the other will be restless and will always look for an escape route: sex. Haj knew he was mated to a human so he made arrangements with a witch to make it possible for Luna to mark him without baring canines, but Luna dismissed it every time knowing well that he was wrapped around her fingers.

"I am not a wolf, Haj." Luna grunted, pushing herself against him to sit upright. "I cannot mark with my nonexistent canines and I don't want to be involved with some witch. They are dangerous." She hissed. Luna was obviously eluding the marking for it wasn't in her plan to mark him even if it was possible. The first time they had sex she was able to regain all of her energy immediately but at the back of her head she knew that it wasn't enough, and the only way she could gain enough energy to execute her plan is to have sex with him continuously. Thus, the reason for her negligence with the marking. "Drop it."

Haj only laughed while caressing her soft thighs wrapped around his. He was still inside of her and it did nothing but increase his need to fuck her again. "Easy," he coos. "You know what happens when you don't want to mark me right, love?" In an instant he had her pressed against the desk once again, feeling her bodily fluids dance on his flesh. "Without a mark nothing could soothe my wolf but sex." He purred, skimming his tongue against her neck while squeezing one of her breast in his large palm. "If not taking out my hardened shaft from you will satiate my hunger," he thrusted roughly inside her once again, making her wetter than before. "Then so be it."

"Then fuck me all you want." Luna groaned and moaned against the beast who was fucking her senselessly. This is what she needs and she will do whatever it takes to get Lunacanthropy Pack back, even if it meant listening to whatever the voice was saying inside her head.


Words spread like wild-fire that there was a rabid beast on the loose, searching for a mate that was claimed by another. Protective barriers were put up in all of the packs and everyone was alert. Alliances of neighboring packs were hastily made in order to protect themselves from the beast they've identified as Alpha Colton for neither a thousand nor a million wolf could tame him but his mate; it was made known by Zefhir before she died. This beast will kneel to no one, not even the Moon Goddess herself. He was mad, and he was out for blood. Methir has been searching for his mate for a week now yet he couldn't trace her scent anywhere. He felt it when his mate had sex with the man who forced the mark on her and it only added fuel to the fire. The half-completed mating severed his bond with her slightly and it was the reason why he could no longer smell her scent anywhere for it was already mixed with another man and pack. He just needs to look more further into the night for tomorrow—he may never be able to find her.

Colton left his pack without an Alpha in command and other packs thought it would be an opportunity to seize his territory for the Alpha was not in sight. They thought it would stop the beast from wreaking havoc throughout the nation and they could make one of the most powerful Alpha's territory in the world submit, but it did not. Carter was immediately appointed to be the Alpha temporarily and he did not disappoint. He was instructing everyone left and right; they had to put up protective barriers twice as much as everyone was situating around their own borders. They also have the neighboring pack's Alpha, Alpha Gregor, to help them fight off everyone who dared to step foot on their land, and it will be forever be in their debt for his generosity.

"Alpha Carter, they're here." Carter fisted his hands, Colton prepared him for this just in case something will happen that will put their pack in danger and he is not present. The pack needs their newly appointed Alpha more than anyone for they had just lost their Alpha to Methir and a Luna to another wolf. Carter knew from the start being a pack leader holds heavy baggages that no one wishes to carry but these baggages include lives that need to be protected, and Colton didn't build a pack just for nothing. Their bloodline built it through blood, sweat, and tears to protect those who are weak and to fight injustices. His pack wasn't frail and small, they were known as cold-blooded killers during wars and they will show them what kind of a beast they really are.

Alpha Colton, save her.


Michelle let out an exasperated sigh with tears brimming her eyes. They were able to fight off everyone who dared to step foot onto their territory for a whole week but they could no longer fight. Everyone was tired, and devotion wasn't enough to let them stand either on two legs or on all fours. Their pack was small but it wasn't weak; they were the best of the best yet they were greatly overpowered and outnumbered. "Next!" Someone dragged her by the hair whilst she thrashed around. They were all being sold, one by one, in the black market: prostitution and slavery. That was the deal, and it's now her turn to be auctioned. She knew this day would come—they all knew, yet they entrusted their lives on a human without any assurance for what tomorrow may bring.




There was something in Luna that made them all trust her despite her lack of powers, beauty, and a wolf, but Michelle knew that she was everyone's salvation. An era of a new breed; hybrids. Humans and shapeshifters alike, roaming the grounds freely.

"Beta Michelle!"

Everyone hollered, placing bids left and right. She is one of the most wanted she-wolf in the werewolf community because of her lack of mate and the position she upholds in the community. She earned her way up with the help of her Alpha and she will neither kneel nor look down to some stupid mutts who want to dominate her around. She snarled at the grinning faces of men who were waving their hands about. "We will start the bidding on 50 million!"

"50 million!" One hollered.

"100 million!"

"I call for 120 million!" Another responded. It went on and on with the bounty on her head rising continuously—no Alpha, Beta, or Delta was giving up for having one of the most powerful female beta in possession could get you anywhere in the community. They wanted to have her, and they will have her.

"500 million!"

Michelle fisted her shaking hands behind her back which were chained with silver lacing it whilst a snarl was etched on her face the whole time. Silver is known to be deadly to the werewolf kind and it could be fatal once it enters the body system. Thus, preventing the body to shift and limit physical abilities. Her body may not be able to withstand the amount of silver bruising her hands but she sure as hell won't cower away in front of these power-hungry men. Everyone was shouting profanities and bids until a calloused hand raised his placard with his pack name written on it, and bellowed out the words, "500 billion."

It was as if the air was knocked out from her lungs as she started heaving sighs that was now evident to the ears of everyone. It was a pin-drop silence and all she could hear was her labored breathing. She was having a panic attack and it was because of the familiar green hues piercing through her soul.

"Found you."


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