Chapter 1 - The letter

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Briar POV

Arriving home after a busy day of dance rehearsals, I immediately knew something important was happening. The sound of my mum laughing or the sight of an empty champagne made me think it was something brilliant. Maybe my sister got accepted in the English School of Ballet?

As I made my way towards the location of the noise, my excitement grew. What was happening? I grande jéted into the kitchen as only a dancer would understand. As I landed all I could see was a letter, the letter which changed my life forever.

It read:
Dear Mr A Nolet

This is in continuation to your application for the internal job posting for the post of head Physiotherapist and owner of a new physiotherapy business and your subsequent interview with our Board of Directors.

We are extremely pleased to inform you that the Board has considered you suitable for the post. You have therefore been promoted to head physiotherapist and owner of a new physiotherapy business with effect from January 2016.

You are requested to please hand over charge of Clinical Coordinator to Ms Craig latest by 15th December 2015.

Congratulations on your achievement and we wish you all the very best in the coming years.

Best regards,
Worldwide Physiotherapy Clinic.

What? My dad was receiving a promotion! I was so happy for him!

"Yayyy! Congrats dad!" I excitedly screamed.
"Thanks Briar!" my dad said with a hint of sadness in his voice.

My parents nervously glanced at each other, pondering on what to said.

I walked over to Abbey and realised there were tears in her eyes.
You see my sister and I share a bond, we always understand each other. It sounds cheesy but if she was happy, I was happy, if she was sad, I was sad and if she was hurt, I too would be hurt.
I looked into her eyes and she slowly glanced at a map which I hadn't noticed but was on the table. A map of America. It was at that moment, I know this promotion meant a new city, a new life and a new start.
What my dad said next, confirmed that the promotion meant we would have to move.

"But where will we have to move to?" I said, still trying to understand that we were moving.
"'s the thing..,"replied my mum.
"Please just tell me. It can't be that far."
"Canada", my dad whispered, I could barely heard him.
"Pardon?.. We are moving to CANADA?
"Briar, please understand that this is what your father has been working for. It's only fair we move." my mum tried to calm me down.
"FAIR!! How is it fair that I have to leave my friends, my dance and my life for one stupid promotion?"

I was overcome by emotion. How could I just leave? What could happen to my dance career? I know what I had to do, what I always do when I'm sad, I had to dance. Dance the emotion away, clear my head.

Quickly I ran into my basement to dance, ignoring the shouts of my family.

So this is the first proper chapter! Hope ya'll like it.

Hint: the next chapter will be about Briar's dance to escape the emotions she was feeling.

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