Chapter 7 - Why School?

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I'm so sorry this update is long overdue but for me writing is meant to be a fun escape from everything and if I rush writing then it turns out really bad. Also my Instagram (@_briarnoletfan) was and is hacked so I'm really upset at the moment. But I am going to do continue this book but I will not update every day. I'm aiming to update once or twice a week!

Briar's POV

School. One word that strikes dread into every teenager. You see I had never been to school. I survived one and a half days in preschool but of course I don't remember that. For then on I had been homeschooled. Dance has always been my life so I never really worried about school. School, as bad as it sounds, was never my main priority but how it changed when it was decided that I should attend Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary School in Oakville.

Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary School is a good school, which had good exam results and a great amount of sport, art and drama happening regularly at the school. But as I woke up on my very first day at school I was beyond nervous. With dancing I know the nerves will go away as I hear the first beat of my music but school.... well it was completely different.
Going to school was going to the unexpected.

The school I was to go to wasn't far away so I could walk each morning with my sister who also haven't been to school before. We stood at the front gate of the school trying to bring up the courage to enter when suddenly I heard someone say "hey Bri". A smile instantly appeared on my face - Myles when to this school!

"Whatcha doing standing out here?" Myles had reached us.
"Um....." I started to try explain.
Abbey came to my rescue, "well we have never been to school before and.."
"Hold up. You've both never been to a school? Ever?"
"We were always homeschooled so we had more time for dance." I had managed to become less embarrassed.
"Okay, anyways welcome to Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary School. Can I show you to the reception?"
"Yes, omg, please!" Abbey gushed out saying.
"Haha. Come this way then ladies."

This was it. I was entering. Entering into what I didn't know. School. It seemed so simple but I was scared.

Sorry it's a filler chapter, the story is just getting more exciting and the next chapters will have more drama and of course more Bryles.

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