Chapter 8 - Dance. It's everything.

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A/N there's a swear word in this chapter, just a warning so anyways..

*2 weeks later*

Briar's POV

Honestly life in Canada wasn't so bad.
I mean sure I missed everyone back home but I got a text from my so-called best friend saying: 'Good riddance to bad rubbish. Bye bitch. We were only friends with you because you were rich and threw good parties. See ya or please don't. Haha.' I realised how fake my old life was and how I was actually, surprising enjoying school and all that Oakville had to offer.

School, after a few weeks, was okay, quite easy really. Because in dance I had always taken class with girls who were older than me when we did our school work, I would often do the same work as them. Going to school is fun, shocking I know, but for so long dance was everything but now school is my escape. My escape from everything - it freed me from any stress or anxiety.

It was dance which I had to work very hard at to keep up in the Elite Competitive Company of Canadian Dance Company. Dance in Europe is so very different to the styles in America and Canada. Even ballet positions were slightly different. Also the amount of dances I was in was so much more than I was used to back in Britain.

One dance which was causing me the biggest difficulty was a jazz group called "J Jackson". The choreography of the dance was truly genius. But it required me to do lots of lifts and partner work. I was nervous about this dance as I had lots of moments which I could mess up at.

I had decided that the only thing to do was to go to the studio and rehearse. I already had a key to the studio because I normally stayed after class so I would lock up for the night.

*At the Studio*

The calming air of the studio at once relaxed me. I had only been at this studio for a matter of weeks but already it was my home, when I was there I was surrounded by my family. Walking through the doors, it always made my day better, always made me feel happier.

But that day something was different, something was strange. Firstly I remember hearing the quiet murmur of music being played and the distinct sound of movement. I was intrigued but not frightened about the noise. I walked into Practice Room B and instantly smiled at what I saw. I think you can guess who I saw, the one person who put a smile on my face, the person who made me laugh. Yes that's right I saw Myles.

That day, when we were alone in the studio I realise now was the beginning. The beginning of me falling in love with Myles. But back then I had no idea what was happening. I was just a clueless girl from England who had never had a boyfriend. That day was one of the best days of my life, that day was the start of the story. The story of love - the story of Bryles.

A/N sorry for the lack of updates, I was on holiday. Also this is short and terrible but I'm in bed sick at the moment but I wanted to update so this is the best I could do.
Hint: next chapter will be want happened in the studio and the convo they had..

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