Chapter Seven: Fuck It

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Fuck It

There is only one mantra that I would like you to incorporate into your life.

"Fuck it." Just say it out loud right now. Let it dance off your teeth. FUCK IT.

Despite it being a fun thing to say in almost any scenario, I've been thinking about why I like it so much. It has something to do with this:

It is, in some small way, a response to trying too hard. There's something you are pursuing that's making you unhappy. FUCK IT.

Now, I often say it when I don't even completely mean it. Like, if I exclaim it in the middle of an important project it doesn't necessarily mean I'm going to abandon the project. I'm simply releasing the energy of trying too hard. Or taking away its power of importance. More often than not, a thing is stressing us out because we have given the thing too much importance.

Your feelings are amazing little indicators of what a thing is doing to you.

Activity for A**holes #78

Take that list of things that make you feel bad. Get scissors and cut each one into its own little piece. Using twine, attach each piece of paper to a dove. If doves are not readily available, use pigeons.

Ceremoniously release each bird along with what makes you feel bad.

Or you could just look at the list and contemplate.


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